Dear Classy Career Girl,
I’m contacting you for some inspiration. I like everyone I work with, but I am almost becoming TOO comfortable around my coworkers. As in, I feel like sometimes I add too many funny comments or sarcastic comments, which at the time were funny, but then I look back and wonder “WHY did I say that.” I want to be respected in my new role and taken seriously. I feel like this is the time where I need to change, before I start working long-term at this company. I’m not sure if I’m thinking too much, but I feel like I could be acting more professionally.
Take Me Seriously
How to Be Taken Seriously at Work
Hi Take Me Seriously,
I don’t think you need to worry too much unless you are saying really awful things. When you say things, do other people look at you like you are crazy or mean? I would look at their reactions and try to see if what you are saying is inappropriate.
If it is, then you definitely need to think a little more before you talk. But, if they are smiling or relaxed after you say it, then you might be thinking too much.Workplaces shouldn’t be stuffy and boring and most people appreciate a little laugh now and then.
Especially, when they need a break from work. So your comments might be helping them enjoy work more and relating to you more is a good thing. I would definitely make sure you aren’t being negative or saying anything mean or gossiping about anyone else. Those things will definitely make you look bad in front of others.
I also think it’s important, if you are worried about this situation in a new job, to think about things a little bit more before you say them. Take the time to brainstorm and write down what you want to be known for at work. Ask yourself these questions:
What are your goals while working for this company?
How do other people see me now at work?
How do I want the people I work with to view me in order to reach my goals?