Let’s keep the momentum going
Do you want to be in your dream career or business in the next 3-6 months?
Having a plan is great. You’ve done more than most people do to plan their year.
However I know that many of you don’t want to work hard for just one week and not continue.
If you want to work towards your new 2024 goals, you’ll want to join Anna’s Group Coaching Program, CLASS: The Love Your Work and Life System™.

Who else wants more freedom & flexibility while doing work they love?
If you said yes, then you’re in the right place! Welcome to CLASS: The Love Your Work and Life System™

You deserve to increase your income and fulfillment so you can WAKE UP EXCITED to go to work and make an IMPACT doing work you love.
I’m here to help you turn your goals into an organized PLAN and make MORE time for things that really matter.
And I’m not just talking about working for another paycheck….
More balance.
Making a difference.
Feeling in the flow.
Having direction.
Giving to people and causes you care about.
Turning your side hustle into a profitable business so you can QUIT your dead end job.
Buying your dream house for your family.
Getting paid what you are worth.
Taking care of the bills.
Serving more clients.
Booking your next vacation with your loved ones.
Taking the guesswork out of your job hunt and FINDING a new career opportunity.
More balance.
Making a difference.
Feeling in the flow.
Having direction.
Giving to people and causes you care about.
Turning your side hustle into a profitable business so you can QUIT your dead end job.
Buying your dream house for your family.
Getting paid what you are worth.
Taking care of the bills.
Serving more clients.
Booking your next vacation with your loved ones.
Taking the guesswork out of your job hunt and FINDING a new career opportunity.
Our Mission Is
Career fulfillment
for all women.

Our Mission Is
Career fulfillment
for all women.
It’s not worth living with regret and years from now thinking, “What if I would have gone for it?”
It’s not worth missing your kid’s milestones or missing an opportunity to hop on a plane and see a loved one.
It’s not worth pushing out your retirement dreams and not having enough money to support yourself and your family.
It’s not worth increasing debts or feeling like a walking zombie going into work everyday.
Our CLASS members are making MORE money doing work that feels easy, fun and exciting.

Heads up!
Before we go any further, I have to warn you.. Doing work that isn’t perfect for you can waste years ofyour life. Finding work you were meant for requires you to shift your mindset and your current habits.
The foundation is usually what is skipped by what other people teach.
Others will teach you how to create a business or update your resume but you’ll just get stuck again if it’s not what you are meant to do.
We're in it for the long haul.
Launching your dream career or business does not happen overnight. We don’t promise “fast cash, six-figures or get rich quick schemes”.
Instead, we offer a chance to find your calling, move past your fears and reach your true potential designing a career that you might not even know is possible right now.
We help you find your passion.
Finding the work you were born to do is the fastest path to getting paid what you’re worth and creating a life you love.
We don’t just teach you how to hustle and work hard. We teach you how to create a plan and a strategy first. Then, when you are ready to work hard and hustle, you’ll have a plan and know exactly what you need to do.
We get real results.
If you follow our system, you will stop feeling EXHAUSTED, constantly being pulled in too many directions and you will start creating more consistent, steady income doing fulfilling work that gives you more freedom and flexibility.
Would you rather continue in the same life-draining job for the next 20 years or implement the exact steps that have worked for me and thousands of women… and feel the relief, joy and freedom of a career or business that is incredibly fulfilling?
That’s what I thought…
Heads up!
Before we go any further, I have to warn you.. Doing work that isn’t perfect for you can waste years ofyour life. Finding work you were meant for requires you to shift your mindset and your current habits.
The foundation is usually what is skipped by what other people teach.
Others will teach you how to create a business or update your resume but you’ll just get stuck again if it’s not what you are meant to do.
We help you find your passion.
Finding the work you were born to do is the fastest path to getting paid what you’re worth and creating a life you love.
We don’t just teach you how to hustle and work hard. We teach you how to create a plan and a strategy first. Then, when you are ready to work hard and hustle, you’ll have a plan and know exactly what you need to do.
We're in it for the long haul.
Launching your dream career or business does not happen overnight. We don’t promise “fast cash, six-figures or get rich quick schemes”.
Instead, we offer a chance to find your calling, move past your fears and reach your true potential designing a career that you might not even know is possible right now.
We get real results.
If you follow our system, you will stop feeling EXHAUSTED, constantly being pulled in too many directions and you will start creating more consistent, steady income doing fulfilling work that gives you more freedom and flexibility.
Would you rather continue in the same life-draining job for the next 20 years or implement the exact steps that have worked for me and thousands of women… and feel the relief, joy and freedom of a career or business that is incredibly fulfilling?
That’s what I thought…

CLASS: The Love Your Work and Life System™ is Anna’s group coaching program that teaches you exactly what to do step by step, whether you’re job searching or growing your own business, so you can finally create work you love.
Say good-bye to fluorescent lights and watching the clock because you’re about to have a career that’s full of natural light and passion that makes the hours fly by!
IT’S TIME to have a career or business you love that supports the life you really want.
Monthly Plan
per month
All the benefits of the CLASS membership. Cancel anytime.

Annual Plan
per year (Save 17%)
Get 12 months of CLASS, save $594. Get the awesome annual bonus gift of The PLAN Course with Anna Runyan and the Create Your Future Physical Planner.

Let’s look at what might be holding you back from reaching your goals.
“I know what kind of work I want to do. Can't I just figure out how to make it happen on my own?"
I was just like you and tried to do this for years on my own. I wasted a lot of time and money spinning my wheels, staying stuck and going in the wrong direction. You could waste a lot of time and money trying to do it on your own.
You could also check out hundreds of books from the library and dive into the YouTube rabbit hole or you can join CLASS where everything is laid out for you step by step and get the result you want today.
Or maybe you are thinking….
“I don’t even know what my dream career is yet. Am I ready for CLASS?"
I’ve got great news for you…Inside CLASS there is a whole step-by-step program to help you identify the perfect career or business for you. You don’t need more experience or a degree. We tell you where to start so you don’t need to have anything ready or done before joining.
While it can feel overwhelming to try to make a big career change alone without a plan, I suspect what you really need is more support, coaching and community to help you find more clarity rather than staying stuck in a job that doesn’t fit you.
"In addition to work, I'm busy being a mom. Do I really have time for this?"
Since I know you and I have only small increments of time in our day (like naptime), implementing CLASS takes only 15 minutes per day.
I’ve designed and recorded the videos so that the training videos are only 5-10 minutes long and you can make progress no matter what else is happening even if you are chasing your kids around.
The great news is that this program will create more time for you to pursue your passions and spend more quality time with your family. What you don’t have time for is to continue not having the life you really want.
“I'm on a budget right now so I can pay off some debt. Can I really afford to join CLASS?”
Your investment in CLASS is less than the expense of taking a vacation for a girl’s weekend. While you certainly could invest in some time away from your stressful workdays, investing in this program now will allow you to create a life you love so much faster. You’ll finally be able to have a career that you don’t need a vacation from because you love it so much.
While this is definitely an investment to consider seriously, I suspect continuing to struggle with being stuck in your career is what you really can’t afford.
“I've tried other courses before but I still don't love my work and life yet. How can I be sure CLASS will work for me?"
The good news is that CLASS is the full package, not just one piece of what you need to change your career and life. It’s not a 5 week course covering one topic but instead it’s a success path that walks you through the entire process of launching your dream career or business that includes training videos, templates, coaching and community.
You can go at your own pace and the coaching and community will always be there for you no matter what part of the plan you are at.
Your prior investments are going to be more valuable and finally pay off because you join CLASS. CLASS will connect the dots for you between all the other things you’ve learned and finally get you the result you want.
How Class Works
CLASS was specifically designed for busy women like you, structured to break the path down to work you love, step by step, and to show you what to focus on to make progress quickly.
I’ll walk you through the process so you know exactly how to plan, design and launch your dream career or business, without getting sidetracked by all the usual frustrations.
It’s a success path full of step-by-step guides and tools to help you implement and make progress to take you from work you HAVE to do to work you LOVE to do.
This is not a one size fits all course. Our Success Path is personalized to your current phase. It’s an ongoing membership and you get access to everything as soon as you register. It starts as soon as you sign up. You’ll have access to the membership site and content as long as you remain a member in good standing.
CLASS is the closest thing to working with an individual coach at a fraction of the cost.
01. JOIN
Pick the monthly or annual plan and join us!
Once you join, you’ll take an assessment that will recommend the best place for you to start based on your current career situation.
03. PLAN
Plan, design and launch a life you love, say good-bye to stress and overwhelm, transition from your dead end job to your dream career or business, increase your income, be wildly successful doing meaningful work and leave your lasting mark on the world.

We have multiple different phases that you’ll go through. We will show you what actions you need to take right now and when you’re ready for the next phase. (So you won’t get distracted by bright shiny object syndrome!)
The success path is about long-term happiness and success.
Follow your personalized path to not only launch your dream career or business, but also to build a life-long fulfilling career or business that makes a difference in the world. The entire program is hosted on a secure website. We do have a private Facebook group for additional support but you do not need to have Facebook to be a member.

A proven path to quit your day job and start a profitable and fulfilling business you love and make a difference in the world. This path is going to help you go from employee to entrepreneur successfully.

A proven path to quit your day job and start a profitable and fulfilling business you love and make a difference in the world. This path is going to help you go from employee to entrepreneur successfully.

- Phase 0: Founder
- Phase 1: Designer
- Phase 2: Planner
- Phase 3: Hustler
- Phase 4: Entrepreneur
- Phase 5: Influencer

The Founder
You are a founder if you have no idea what type of business you should start.

The Designer
You are a Designer if you are motivated to start your own business but confused about what type of business to start and you are trying to find enough time to make it happen.

The Planner
You are a Planner if you know what business you want and you are now ready to create your business plan and conduct market research. You want to map out how to make your resignation happen quickly and successfully.

The Hustler
You are a Hustler if you are now taking action and implementing your business plan while working your day job. You have a product or service that people want and are selling it. You are still figuring out how to balance your time and are working hard too.

The Entrepreneur
The Entrepreneur phase is for you if you are able to quit your day job and work full-time on your business. You are confident in your future and excited about the opportunities that lay ahead and the difference you can make as a full-time entrepreneur.

The Influencer
You are an Influencer if you now have passive income coming in and you have at least 2 team members in place. You are now ready to scale your business and have even more freedom and flexibility. You want to make your business match your dream business. Your business serves others and is making a difference.

The quickest and fastest way to find the career you were born to do, to be wildly successful at it and to leave your lasting mark on the world.

The quickest and fastest way to find the career you were born to do, to be wildly successful at it and to leave your lasting mark on the world.

- Phase 0: Dreamer
- Phase 1: Designer
- Phase 2: Explorer
- Phase 3: Searcher
- Phase 4: Connector
- Phase 5: Leader

The Dreamer
You are a Dreamer if you have no idea where to start.

The Designer
You are a Designer if you are now motivated to change careers but confused about what type of career to start.

The Explorer
You are an Explorer if you don’t know what career you want.

The Searcher
You are a Searcher if you know what your ideal career is and you are now ready to find it.

The Connector
You are a Connector if you have a resume and cover letter to your ideal job all ready to go.

The Leader
You are a leader if you have a job you love and now want to get ahead and raise the bar.
Get better and faster results with Coaching and Support Including…

monthly masterclasses and Focused Working Sessions (Value: $1,997)
We have new content and tools each month on each phase of creating a life, career and business you love. You’ll get instant access to all content immediately. Also, we provide focused time to work with the community each month to get your most important priorities done with extra guidance from Anna.
weekly private 1-1 career coaching (Value: $1,997)
Get individualized attention with private 1-1 coaching calls with a member of The Classy Career Girl Certified Career Coaching Team. Get support as you go through the success path every single week.

Classy Coaching Cohorts ($3,997 Value)
Small weekly group coaching on zoom with Anna. Ask your questions, get clarity and accountability, make progress on your career and business goals with a small group of people who have the same goals and are in the same stage as you.
done with you plans (Value $2,997)
NEVER plan alone again. Create your annual plan, 90-day plan, business plan, content plan, marketing plan, social media plan and revenue goals WITH Anna. Want to create a digital product or course, create a plan with someone who has been growing a successful online business for over 13 years. Whatever you want to create, Anna will be there to support you.

Plus these bonuses!
VALUE: $497
Perfect for busy women. whowant to be more organized and focused without sacrificing their personal life.
VALUE: $497
If you’re ready to land a job you love, Anna will show you how to get hired in the next 30 days even if you have little experience or are making a big pivot.
VALUE: $497
Want to stretch your goals? Anna will show you how to design a profitable freedom-based six-figure business without hustle and stress.
Get better and faster results with coaching and support including…

monthly masterclasses
We have new content each month on career strategy and business strategy. Previously, we’ve had training on:
- How to Handle Your Day Job While Transitioning To A New Career
- How To Get Over Your Mindset and Money Blocks
- Creating a Powerhouse Personal Brand to Make Bold Career Moves
- 10 Things You Need to Know Before Building or Revamping a Website
- How To Hire Your First Team Member: Are You Ready?
- How to Create a Subscription Box Business With Your Passion
- How To Turn Your Expertise Into an Online Coaching Business
- How To Sell Physical Products Using Shopify
That’s just some examples of our incredible training happening every single month.

private 1-1 career coaching (Value: $1,997)
Get individualized attention with private 1-1 coaching calls with a member of The Classy Career Girl Certified Career Coaching Team. Get support as you go through the success path as often as you like.

ask anna coaching calls ($1,997)
Show up to ask Anna a question or listen to another member get coached. Anna is specialized in productivity, leadership, job searching and business. She was once in your shoes. She can support you through your roadblocks and help you launch your dream career or business fast. Join live or listen to the recording.

the Ultimate Job SEarchers and Entrepreneurs Toolkits (Value: $997)
Every month we update our templates and resources in our toolkits for job searchers and entrepreneurs. If you need a template quickly, this is the place to go so you can make progress fast. We also consolidate tools from our amazing community in the toolkit as well so you have everything you need at your fingertips.
Plus these bonuses!
VALUE: $497
Want to stretch your goals? Anna will show you how to design a profitable freedom-based six-figure business without hustle and stress.
VALUE: $497
If you’re ready to land a job you love, Anna will show you how to get hired in the next 30 days even if you have little experience or are making a big pivot.
VALUE: $497
Anna will show you how to design a profitable freedom-based six-figure business without hustle and stress.

class is for women struggling with not knowing the right steps to make a change.
The women who get the biggest benefit from CLASS are those that are committed to getting their dream careers off the ground and action takers. CLASS works for all levels of women and all types of interests and passions. We have helped executives, unemployed women, stay-at-home moms, recent graduates, mid-level professionals and entrepreneurs. This CLASS framework is for every woman regardless of industry or age.
Our members include…
Mid-level professionals and mid-life career changers.
Entrepreneurs and Freelancers
Recent college graduates and new employees
Job searchers
Women in Higher Education and Government
Coaches and Course Creators
Women Selling Physical Products and Brick and Mortar
Seasoned Professionals, Direct Sales and Network Marketing
Membership site owners
If you want a rewarding and challenging career or business that makes a difference in the world, join us!
It doesn’t matter where you are or what you want to do. CLASS: The Love Your Work and Life System™ works!

- PLAN for your day so you can be more focused, have more energy and break down your goals.
- DESIGN the career or business that you were meant for that is incredibly fulfilling and has you excited for Monday morning.
- LAUNCH a career or business where you get to do what you LOVE everyday and make an impact.
- GET HIRED so that you are excited to tell others what you do because you are doing work that matters.
- SERVE MORE CLIENTS consistently and have the freedom and profits to buy your dream house WITHOUT working all day and night.
- BALANCE a rewarding and challenging career and pursue your personal goals too.
- Get PAID what you are worth and never be burnt out or drained at work again.
- Get CLARITY and CONFIDENCE so you know exactly what you want to be when you grow up and the direction you should head next.
We’ve been the best in the business at getting people in their dream careers and businesses and we are only getting better and better.
Just check out case studies to see what our members accomplish.
Karrine Kept Moving Forward Even When Things Weren’t All In Place
She was doubtful and hesitant about signing up for things online but she is so glad she did because the relationships, support and accountability amongst the women in the community helped her make more progress faster.
Kimber Had a Side Hustle and Wanted To Transition To Full-time Entrepreneur
She already had a lot in place in her business and did CLASS and it was the best thing she ever did. She was able to double her income and go full-time in her business.
Michelle Didn’t Know How to Start Her Business
She was worried she wasn’t skilled enough and had this dream of starting her own business for years but had never done it. She got unstuck and booked her first paid client within weeks of starting CLASS.
Benefits of Joining Class
- You will get our success paths and monthly Q&As with direct access to Anna Runyan for a fraction of what it costs to do individual coaching with her.
- You will get systems and virtual workshops for quarterly and annual goal planning and training from the top guest experts on career and business growth.
- You get to hang out with the most supportive group of women on the Internet to help you make the leap and stay accountable to create and launch your dream life! Hello new BFFs!
- You’ll learn how to identify your ideal career or business, shift your mindset, focus on the RIGHT tasks and have an incredibly exciting career doing work you love! Say good-bye to dreading Mondays!
- You get access to our recommended tools and templates so you don’t have to spend hours and hours searching online.
- You will never feel alone. You’ll always have someone who has your back and can help you move past whatever is holding you back from launching your dream career or business! Get ready to check off that bucket list!

When you join Class, you’ll stop:
- Living for the weekends
- Stressing about paying your bills
- Feeling undervalued at work
- Counting down the minutes until 5pm
And instead you’ll start:
Doing what you want, when you want.
Jumping out of bed excited to get to work!
Getting job opportunities that meet everything on your list.
Attracting dream clients, getting more sales and making an impact in your community.
This could be you!
Her business sales grew by 300%!
Anna H. is surpassing her sales goals and beating the goals she wrote down in her planner using our systems. She is really excited and knows she couldn’t have done it without CLASS.
She got a lot of rejections and was very discouraged
Josie was scared to fail and scared of what others would think. But, she had faith, followed the plan and found her dream job. She made a commitment and now can tell everyone she knows she loves her job. CLASS worked!
She was unhappy and stressed running her business
Since joining, Stephanie grew her passive income! She used our advanced business growth program on recurring revenue, Facebook ads and evergreen funnels to scale her business without paying for ads!

Founder of CLASS: The Love Your Work and Life System
Hi! I'm Anna!
I created this online education and coaching company in 2014 because I was a new mom and very unhappy with my work. I had a bunch of debt, but I couldn’t just quit my day job because I had to provide for my family.
The CLASS system helped me quit my stressful day job and transition into full-time work I loved (with a baby on my lap) in 90 days and I can’t wait to teach it to you too!

The PLAN Course Bonus (Value $997)
If you choose the annual membership, you get Anna’s signature 7-module course, PLAN, as a bonus gift.
Join Anna and learn the SIMPLE system that can radically transform your work-life balance and make MORE time for the things that matter most.
Feel the relief of completing your annual plan, 90-day plan, monthly plan, weekly plan and daily plan so you know exactly the steps you should take to launch your dream career or business.
How to make sure you are headed in the right DIRECTION before you start planning.
How to figure out what goal should be the priority for the next year.
Annual Plan
How to choose one thing to focus on for your annual goals when it all seems to be important.
90-Day Plan
How to break down your goals into smaller tasks and quarterly plans.
Monthly Plan
A monthly ROADMAP to your career and financial goals while balancing personal life events.
Weekly Plan
The best actionable items you can do to increase the chances of your goals coming to fruition.
Daily Plan
How to prioritize everyday action items without being overwhelmed.
Business Strategy
How to make a plan for business growth, content plan and marketing STRATEGY.
90-Day Physical Planner shipped to your door!
How to make sure you are headed in the right DIRECTION before you start planning.
How to figure out what goal should be the PRIORITY for the next year.
Annual Plan
How to choose one thing to focus on for your annual goals when it all seems to be important.
90-Day Plan
How to break down your goals into smaller tasks and quarterly plans.
Monthly Plan
A monthly ROADMAP to your career and financial goals while balancing personal life events.
Weekly Plan
The best actionable items you can do to increase the chances of your goals coming to fruition.
Daily Plan
How to prioritize everyday action items without being overwhelmed.
Business Strategy
How to make a plan for business growth, content plan and marketing STRATEGY.
90-Day Physical Planner shipped to your door!
Frequently Asked Questions
How much time will this take?
Between spreadsheets and diapers, I've got a lot going on right now. Should I wait to join CLASS when things calm down?
I don't live in the U.S. What if I can't make it to the live calls?
How much time will this take?
CLASS sounds like exactly what I need, but I want to check with my spouse before I make this investment. What's the best way to bring this up?
Frequently Asked Questions
How much time will this take?
Between spreadsheets and diapers, I've got a lot going on right now. Should I wait to join CLASS when things calm down?
I don't live in the U.S. What if I can't make it to the live calls?
CLASS sounds like exactly what I need, but I want to check with my spouse before I make this investment. What's the best way to bring this up?
And the results speak for themselves!

Try it for 14 days, 100% Risk Free. If you are unhappy with your membership during the first 14 days, I want to give you your money back. Go through the modules. If you don’t love it, email me at any time during the first 14 days, show me you’re doing the exercises and I’ll immediately send you a prompt and courteous refund.
If you want to register to just check it out, don’t bother. CLASS is only for people who are committed and ready to do the work.
If you are dissatisfied with your purchase for any reason after the refund period, you will be able to cancel any future payments as long as you cancel at least 48 hours prior to the payment processing date. Email support@classycareergirl.com
Cancelations will be effective once the cancelation request has been processed. You will keep access until the end of your current billing cycle.
You will receive an email with your login details following a purchase. Having issues? Contact us at support@classycareergirl.com

This is your path
…to launch your dream career or business, find your BFFs, have more freedom and get paid what you are worth.
I’m here to help you get unstuck and create a life you LOVE!
Just like I have with Jennifer, Josie, Ilsa, Tina, Janine and…thousands more. Are you ready to be my next success story?

…to launch your dream career or business, find your BFFs, have more freedom and get paid what you are worth.
I’m here to help you get unstuck and create a life you LOVE!
Just like I have with Jennifer, Josie, Ilsa, Tina, Janine and…thousands more. Are you ready to be my next success story?