Get Ahead Club Interview: How To Ask For What You Want

This week, members in the Get Ahead Club had the opportunity to listen to my interview with Sara Laschever, Co-Author of Women Don’t Ask and Ask For It. She has spent her career investigating the obstacles, detours, and special circumstances that shape women’s lives and careers. Her work has been published in The New York Times, The Harvard Business Review, The New York Review of Books, Vogue, Glamour, and many other publications. She has served as a Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Work-Life Policy, a nonprofit think tank devoted to exploring the issues that matter most to women at work.

Here are a few things I learned in the interview with Sara:

The facts: Women are much less likely than men to use negotiation to get what they want.   Research reveals that men are four times more likely to ask for higher pay than are women with the same qualifications.  By neglecting to negotiate her starting salary for her first job, a woman may sacrifice over half a million dollars in earnings by the end of her career.  From career promotions to help with child care, studies show time and time again that women just don’t ask, and frequently don’t even realize that they can.

Women need to negotiate more now than ever before and discover their strengths as negotiators. It is important to realize that employers actually respect candidates more for pushing to get paid what they’re worth.  Accepting less will actually imply that you have less value than other hires and your performance isn’t as good as the other hires that are asking for more money than you.

Want to get the rest of the interview and start taking action to get ahead in your career this year? You can join the Get Ahead Club today and listen to the recordings from all the interviews, get the action plan worksheet and interact with me and the Get Ahead Club community right now!  Click here to learn more.

What do you think about the statistics above?  Do you ask for what you want?

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