How to Become a Certified Career Coach

How to Become a Certified Career Coach


On this podcast episode, I am going to share with you how you can become a Classy Career Girl Certified Career Coach through our certification program. This really is a program where you can become a certified career coach from anywhere in the world at your own pace. And our program is open right now. We’re actually going to be closing on March 31. And just today, we released a new payment plan option.

In today’s episode, I’m going to show you that you can create a career you love where you get to impact others and work from home, where you can set your own schedule and live the life you want by becoming a Certified Career Coach with Classy Career Girl International. You’ll be able to build a thriving and profitable Career Coaching Business by the time you graduate.

Career Coach Certification for Spring 2023 is now open until March 31. If you want to submit your application, go to\certification and apply. We have limited spots and two really exciting study options to choose from. We have the traditional 6-month training program which gives you the option to become a career coach slowly. We also have the fast track option where you can start coaching clients by summer and become an alumni by summer. You can join the fast track Career Coach LIVE on May 2nd – May 4th where I am teaching the entire program in 3 days and you can get 75% of your requirements done.

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In this episode:

  • The benefits you receive from the Classy Career Girl Certified Career Coach program
  • The two study options available for the Classy Career Girl Certified Career Coach program
  • The steps you need to take now to become a Classy Career Girl Certified Career Coach

Resources and Links

Join the Classy Career Girl Career Coach Certification Program and build your coaching business today!

The Career Coach Certification Program for Spring 2023 is now open until March 31. If you would like to submit your application, you can go to\certification and apply.  It will be the best decision you ever make and you’ll never look back!


How to become a certified career coach with Classy Career Girl.


Hey everyone, welcome to the Classy Career Girl podcast, I am excited today I am going to share with you how you can become a Classy Career Girl Certified Career Coach through our certification program. This really is a program where you can become a certified career coach from anywhere in the world at your own pace. And our program is open right now. We’re actually going to be closing on March 31. And just today, we released a new payment plan option.

So that’s why I wanted to hop on here with this podcast episode today. In case we have not gotten a chance to speak because I really do try to speak with a lot of you who are joining. I know we’ve had a lot of you guys join over the last couple of weeks that we’ve been open for our spring cohort for 2023. And so I really do try and talk to you. But in case we have not had a chance to connect, to talk, to go through the program together. I’m going to do that on today’s podcast.

So if you want to have a visual while I go through what the certification program is all about, you can go to\certification. And that will kind of help you see a visual of what I’m going through right now. And on that page, you can get more information about how you can get in with us so you can be part of our spring cohort. And we can go through this together and you can get on board with the new payment plan option as well, because that makes it so much even easier to join us to start to grow your business.

So my certification program really is for you if you want to create a career you love, where you get to impact others and work from home. So my goal is to help you set your own schedule and live the life you really want by becoming a certified career coach with Classy Career Girl International. And I’m going to help you build a thriving and profitable career coaching business by the time that you graduate. That is my goal for you. That is what we do for our clients. So when you join us inside of the certification program, here’s what you receive, you get to study the curriculum the best way for you. So this is brand new, I’m super excited for you. The program is not brand new, but we have different ways that you can study.

So you can get immediate access to the video curriculum. So instant access all of the modules. So we have a lot of people who when they start, they just want to dive in and just go through. And so just dive in, it’s all available for you instant access. Or if you’d like to attend the live with me, we’re going to do a certification live event in the beginning of May. For three days, we’re going to actually go through the content together. I’ve done it both ways. I’ve gone through the training live with people and I’ve had people just kind of go through the modules, and everyone likes to learn differently. So we’re giving you guys two different options for this round. I don’t know if we’ll ever do a live event like this ever again. So this is probably a once in a lifetime chance to go through this live over three days with me.

And then you can complete all of your requirements like through those three days as well. So I’ll tell you more about that in a second. But basically, you’re gonna get done with you support and feedback from me so you can increase your income and fulfillment and wake up excited to go to work as a career coach. I’m going to give you real life career coaching practice session reviews, I’m going to review your coaching sessions, you can be part of an accountability group, I’m going to give you one on one feedback, so you’re confident to serve more clients and take the guesswork out of building a profitable six figure business. I’m also going to share with you tools, success paths, systems, templates and training materials that you can use yourself to enroll and coach your future clients. So you don’t have to create any resources yourself to start your coaching business and your clients can trust you immediately.

You also get a business launch session with me. So I’m going to help you map out your post graduation coaching business launch and generate a personalized plan for you to create a monthly revenue of $10,000. So you can have more freedom and flexibility and make more money doing work that feels easy, fun and exciting. And then after graduation, your listing will be added to our career coach directory so that your ideal clients can search online find you and hire you. And then upon certification, you’ll have the title of certified career coach. And you can use the training badge on your website and promotional materials. And that’s going to help you stand out from your competition and be trusted by individuals, professional organizations and corporations as a certified career coach.

And then you also get the career coach roadmap which is a proven path to quit your day job and start a profitable and fulfilling career coaching business you love so you can make a difference in the world. And that roadmap is going to help you go from no clients to booked out by the end of the program. And so the requirements for certification, we require that you complete 10 hours of practice coaching, that you submit to recorded sessions for review and feedback from me and that you attend at least 10 hours of live training or q&a’s that you complete 40 hours of independent study of curriculum and that you submit your certificates of completion. We also require that you complete the career coach roadmap curriculum modules one through five, and that you attend a business launch session with me and adhere to Classy Career Girl values and mission. We have not had anyone have issues meeting these requirements. So don’t get overwhelmed. All of this is set up to make it super easy for you.

And so basically what makes our program different is the career coach roadmap that we have, which is a proven path to quit your day job and start a profitable and fulfilling career coaching business you love and make a difference in the world. So this proven roadmap is going to help you go from no clients to booked out by the end of this three-step program. So the three things that we cover in the program is we cover your niche. And so one of the best ways to stand out as a career coach is to narrow down your niche. You don’t have to be all things to all people, you’ll be able to use our proven formula to narrow down your coaching niche and land your dream clients. So this step will effortlessly fill your coaching practice and make work fun and exciting again, and then we’re also going to help you with enrollment. So sales and new client enrollment are where most coaches make mistakes. So you’ll be able to learn our proven system to enroll your dream career coaching clients step by step so you don’t have to worry about being salesy and can finally get paid what you’re worth to change people’s lives.

And then transformation is the third step. Now you can finally use our proprietary systems, tools and success paths to help your clients get faster results. So you’ll be able to build a well respected coaching practice that quickly builds success stories and testimonials, and you’ll be able to make an impact on other people’s lives easily. So you’ll be able to wake up doing what you love every day, helping companies keep their talent engaged and individuals create work they love.

So we have two different study options that you can choose from. We have a six month schedule. Orientation will start in April. And then in May, we’ll go through module one, which is introduction to career coaching, we’ll go over what is career coaching, becoming a successful career coach, we’ll do your market assessment and niche evaluation. And then module two will be in June, where we’ll go over career coaching fundamentals, how to listen, onboard, enroll and support your new clients. We’ll talk about how to conduct a successful career coaching session. And I’ll share with you my coaching techniques and our claim career transformation system with you.

And then Module Three will be in July how to lead as a career coach. So you can pick a specialization that we offer or you can create your own specialization. So we offer a specialization of productivity coaching, so you can become a productivity coach and help clients get organized and reach their goals, you can become a job search coach so you can help clients identify and find their ideal careers, you can become a leadership coach where you can help clients manage and engage others as a leader, or you can become a business coach where you can help clients create a profitable business they love. Now a lot of people want to do two, two of these or even three of these, and that’s totally fine as well, too. So once you get inside the program, you’ll be able to be an expert in different and a lot of these areas as well too. So don’t worry if you want to be two different types of coaches or have three specializations, or anything like that.

And then in August is module four, how to create a thriving and profitable coaching business. And so this is where I’ll teach you how to find clients for VIP days, group coaching, individual coaching, we’ll go over Career Coach business and marketing plans, how to create your unique and irresistible coaching offer. And then we’ll also go through the roadmap to $10,000 months as a career coach. September’s module five, that’s where we cover additional coaching resources. We’ll have additional resources and video training to help you set yourself up as a successful career coach, including bookkeeping and legal contracts and group coaching best practices as well. And then October is graduation and then your alumni benefits begin.

So if you don’t want to wait six months to get certified, then you’re gonna love this. The second option is Certification Live the Fast Track schedule. And this is where you’ll be able to join me for our intimate certification live intensive on May 2 through 4th 2023 on Zoom virtual so that’s where I’m going to teach all five of these modules live. And you’ll be able to get half of your practice coaching requirements completed at least. And so you’ll be 75% done with your certification requirements after these three days, and then you’ll be ready to get clients in May and graduate in June. So you can attend our 100k Coach alumni event scheduled for July so that is why I’m super excited about this option.

So together at this live event, we’re gonna go through your branding profile. I’m going to help you with your niche and your specialization, your Coaching Calendar, we’ll create your elevator pitch and your application form, we’ll create your marketing plan your pricing model and your profit plan to create a six figure business, we’ll go through sales call scripts and coaching call scripts, your launch plan, your calendar, your action items. We’ll prepare your product content your outlines, your sales funnel, we’ll even go through your social media posts, your positioning and your messaging. And then I’ll also help you create a digital product at this event. And that’s going to help you with your upsell process into coaching. So you definitely want to grab your ticket, and then you’ll be able to start generating income right away after this event.

So our call schedule. And by the way, it makes sure you go to crypto\certification if you’re listening to this, because there’s only a few more days, the deadline is March 31 to get in for this event. Our call schedule, so we also have one q&a Call per month with me. And then all five video curriculum training modules are released instantly upon joining. And then once you become an alumni, we have quarterly alumni events as well. Of course, recordings are always available, but you do have to attend 10 hours of live training to become certified. And this can also include like our class membership training, my live webinars. And then we also have a private Slack channel included so you can get answers to questions outside of call times as well. And then like I said, we have the bonus business launch session. And so you’ll be able to schedule this session after you complete Module Four to map out your career coaching business launch, we’ll create your 90 day career coaching business plan, you’ll be able to access then all of our business planning tools, and really map out your strategy to build a profitable coaching business by the time that you graduate and generate your plan to create monthly revenue of $10,000.

Now if you’re new around here, you also have to adhere to Classy Career Girl values and mission. Our mission is to help all women find career fulfillment, our vision is for kids to see their moms loving their work, and that we show our kids that work isn’t something to dread. And our Why is we believe that each of us has the power to make an impact in the world. And to really make a difference with our careers, our businesses and our lives. And our values are to help first, never stop learning, make a difference and don’t waste time. Now if you listen to this podcast, I think we’re good. I think we’re in line usually anytime anytime I talk with someone like if they’ve been falling Classy Career Girl, usually, we’re all good there. And I don’t have to worry about us agreeing on our values and our mission, we usually are on the same page for sure.

So one thing that makes our program very different is that we give you practice coaching opportunities and market research. So unlike other coach certification programs, you do not have to go ask your friends and family to help you meet your career coaching hours requirement or fill out surveys. So we provide perfect clients who want to be coached. So you can confidently learn how to transform your clients lives through individual coaching. So we also provide you with market research data, so you don’t have to conduct your own surveys. And you’ll be able to get feedback from me. So you are confident building your business and becoming well respected in the industry. And you can also watch shadow coach sessions with me and how I coach other clients. So that’s going to help you build confidence as well. And you get practice coaching clients who are in various stages of their career change journey. So that’s really going to help you get clarity on how to become a successful career coach.

So this really is your next step to $10,000 months. Make sure you go over and you add your name and you fill out your application. If you go to\certification, you can see all the case studies and see all of our coaches who have gotten certified you can hear, you can see their wins, you can watch their videos and their case studies. So basically everything that’s included in our certification program. It’s a one year of live training, q&a, sales practice and mindset coaching. Three months of real life coaching practice with ideal clients, you get all of our Signature Tools and success paths, workbooks, templates and scripts. You get our business launch session, we’ll add your listing to our Career Coach directory. You also get an exclusive certification badge that you can display on your website, you get all of our curriculum, practice session review and feedback. You get the roadmap to $10,000 months as a career coach and then this is a question that always comes up.

You also get access to CLASS annual membership. So I know we have a lot of our members in CLASS end up becoming certified because they love the training once they get in CLASS and they’re like, oh, I want to be certified in this and be able to help other people with it. So CLASS annual membership is included. You also get a private Slack channel with me. You get the career coach systems playbook and access to mindset, FAQs and all prior q&a’s in our training library with the Fast Track certification live intensive on May 2 through fourth and then once you graduate, you get our alumni quarterly 100k Coach Training calls and alumni coaching community.

So I hope to see you inside of certification. If you can’t tell I love this program. I love doing it. I can’t wait to kick off our spring 2023 cohort. Make sure that you get your application in make sure you get your payments in. They have to be in by March 31 so we can get you in and get you all set up and work with you to launch your six figure coaching business and become a career coach. So if you have any questions, feel free you can always email us at if you have any questions about the payment or the application, and I look forward to supporting you, this is exciting. I hope you are excited and I can’t wait to help you become a career coach.

Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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