Blogging is more important than ever right now. Google loves fresh, original content. With every new post, Google will come back and visit your site, which improves your overall ranking. Your online tribe loves connecting with you and what you have to share.
Blogging helps your tribe get to know, like, and trust you. In addition, every post gives you an excuse to email your list and post on all the major social media sites, which drives more and new traffic back to your site.
So why not start a blog?
Ready to launch your blog? Here are 5 easy steps to start a blog:
Step 1: Determine your desired reader.
Spend 10–15 minutes describing the type of person you want to read your blog. For some of you this will include very specific things like demographics (age, gender, location), but for others it will be less specific.
Remember, your blog has a purpose and isn’t just for your random thoughts. You have to have a theme so your readers know why they should come back and check on your latest articles. Your blog should be able to help your ideal client or customer so they can see you know your stuff!
Step 2: Identify another successful blog in your niche.
IMPORTANT: This step is not to copy, but just to get ideas. You want your website to be unique and, later on, you might not want to follow any blogs in your niche to avoid any jealousy or copying.
But, in the beginning, it’s important to just get your ideas flowing and notice what you like and don’t like about other people’s sites and what is missing that you can provide better.Ask yourself the following questions:
What topics are they covering?
What are they ignoring?
What topics are generating the most engagement in the comments?
What questions are readers asking?
What do you think of their design?
What have they done well or poorly with their design?
What options do they have for readers to subscribe?