If you want to master social media marketing and PR for your business, you MUST listen to today’s episode.
My guests today are Featured in Forbes 2021 30 Under 30, Aisha and Des are passionate about educating businesses on industry trends, providing thought leadership about digital strategy and branding.
Listen to this episode and you’ll learn how to convert sales from social media to grow your business, what you need to do to start getting PR for your business, the latest industry trends you should know about, and some common myths that people have about building their brands.
If you are growing a business or brand, listen up because you are going to learn so much from this episode today. Let’s get started!
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How You Can Effectively Master Social Media Marketing and PR For Your Business

How To Master Social Media Marketing and PR For Your Business
Aisha Marshall and Destinee Dickerson
Featured in Forbes 2021 30 Under 30, Aisha and Des, co-host The Label, a top-rated podcast that covers all things marketing and entrepreneurship. A digital consulting agency ahead of trends, Creative Label successfully finds new ways to be innovative.
The full-service agency Creative Label was founded by Black entrepreneurs Aisha Marshall and Destinee Dickerson. They are passionate about educating businesses on industry trends, providing thought leadership about digital strategy and branding. They love empowering businesses, executing their strategy, and watching their brands grow with streamlined marketing that works.
- How Aisha and Des started a business together.
- The top mistakes new entrepreneurs make on social media.
- Why people are struggling to convert sales from social media right now.
- Why PR should be at the top of your to-do list as a business owner and what you need to do to start getting PR for your business.
- The latest industry trends you should know about and the limiting beliefs of most entrepreneurs in the industry.
- The biggest myths people have about building their brand and the first step to growing your business and audience.
4 Amazing Tips From Aisha and Des About Social Media Marketing and PR
Tip #1: Have the ability to be flexible and pivot when going to the next level in your business.
The next level is gradual. Â Even though now we’re a full-service agency and we’re doing really well, our first level was Snapchat filters and then it was social media management and then it was websites. After that, it was content creation, and then it was public relations. We just started to evolve.
I think the recipe for being ready for the next level is your ability to be flexible and pivot inside your business to new opportunities. If there is an opportunity that presents itself, you have to be open to receiving, and then just kind of figure it out when it comes your way.
You see an opportunity and you must say yes to it, and then you figure it out on the backend. That was a lot of what we did to grow our business.
[RELATED: How Do I Start a Website?]
Tip #2: PR should be at the top of your to-do list as a business owner.
PR should be something that comes after your social media strategy and your marketing strategy have been solidified. What happens in your customer journey when you get PR?
What if somebody sees you on Good Morning America and they go to your social media accounts and they go to your website but they don’t match what they just saw on Good Morning America? The content, the experience and the user experience just don’t match. Then, you have no lead captures set up.
If there isn’t a way to capture emails, then you’re not running an email marketing campaign behind it and you aren’t ready for PR. So what happens after somebody gets to your cart ready to buy and they don’t make that purchasing decision, have you set up an abandoned cart email campaign? Are they being retargeted?
A lot of times, PR doesn’t convert to sales. It’s about brand recognition. It’s about brand credibility.
Tip #3: Your content needs to look really great and tell a story.
I think a lot of entrepreneurial advice will tell you if you don’t know where to start, just start somewhere. And that is true in a lot of ways. Like you just start. But, when it comes to marketing, messy really doesn’t sell.
Having a real niched-down streamlined marketing strategy is super important when you’re starting a business. When you’re rebranding a business, that means your content needs to look really great.
You need to know how to tell a story to your audience. You need to be able to pin down what their pain points are and then be able to market that strategy from there on your social media.
Tip #4: You shouldn’t be doing anything in your business that doesn’t revolve around a strategy.
Strategies are so important. You shouldn’t be doing anything in your business that doesn’t revolve around a strategy. Otherwise, you’re just working just to work.
Most of the time you’re running around in circles. Instead, we do a full strategy by the quarter for our clients. Then, we break it down by the month so that we can plan ahead all content a month ahead. That really just helps to be sure that you’re hitting objectives and you’re hitting your sales goals too.
Final Words Of Wisdom
Educate yourself and always be an open book of knowledge. You can never ever know everything. We read business entrepreneurship books every month and we do the self-work, which is the most important thing.
Have an abundance mindset, especially when you’re just starting out. I think we all get shiny object syndrome. You see what everyone else is doing, and you feel like, “Hey, I was doing that first. Now they’re doing it.” Or “Why, why am I not where they’re at yet?”
The abundance mindset is such a game-changer and it takes out the negative self-talk. If somebody would have told us to have that abundance mindset early on, it would have eliminated so many other worries.