12 Incredible Tips From a Millionaire Mentor
Would you like to know the strategies and tools that a millionaire uses? Would you like to know the mindset you need to become a millionaire? Today we are sharing what it takes to create great success; financially, physically & emotionally. Most importantly, the tips we are sharing today will allow you to live your purpose and make a huge difference in the world. We believe at CCG that it’s not about making a million dollars, but instead it’s about making an impact and a difference to a million people’s lives.  Thinking like a millionaire is the quickest way to make the impact that you want.
These millionaire success tips were presented at Infusionsoft’s user conference, ICON, by Scott Harris, The Millionaire Mentor and Ultimate Coach. For more than 20 years Scott Harris has been coaching, mentoring & speaking to individuals, businesses & large audiences to help them create great success; financially, physically & emotionally.

The Top 12 Tips From Millionaire Mentor, Scott Harris

1.You are not designed to be successful.

You have to play the game of life every single day. Who are you committed to being in this life? It’s not easy. We are not designed to be successful. We are not designed to easily create a purposeful life. You have to be truly committed to being who you really want to be each and everyday (and each and every minute) to make your life extraordinary.

2. The world needs people to teach and inspire.

The world needs what you have. Politicians will not change the state of the nation alone. Changes come from bottom up. It’s you and I being the best version of ourselves that will change the nation. If everyone focused on serving people, we could make a huge difference in this world. Remind yourself WHY you are doing what you are doing each day and get out there and inspire and teach others!

3. Change your networking mindset.

When networking, don’t just meet someone and learn their name. Instead, meet someone like they are your long lost friend. Meet someone like they have the secret of what you need to move forward in their pocket. That simple mindset will make all the difference when out networking.

4. Identify what you need to reach your goal.

There are three things you need to reach your goal. 1) You need to know where you are currently at. 2) You need to know where do you want to get to. 3) You need to know what your strategy for the quickest, easiest way is to get there.

5. Make a list of all of the things you would like in your life and in the future.

If you could have anything you want to have happen in your life, what are the top 3 things? Why are those things important to you? WHY do you want those three things? Then, think about who you have to become to make this list happen. Do you need to grow? Do less? Make a leap? Be a better delegator? Get help with strategy?
Or just do more of what you already are doing…only better?

6. Keep focused on your growth.

It only counts as growth if you don’t want to do it. Keep doing more of what you don’t want to do so you can keep growing.

7. Look at gaps in your calendar.

Most people are wasting time or not utilizing time. There are also overachievers who are wasting some time and overdoing it in other areas of their workday. What you do with your 168 hours needs to be the most important decision of the week.  Track and measure your time so you can make it even more productive.
Figure out where your gaps are. 30 min and 60 minutes here. How are you not maximizing your time? How can you fill those gaps with quality things? Fill those gaps because there is no more time. Where you spend your time is what you value. Your time is your most important resource. Life is decided in moments and in 15 minute increments.

8. Evaluate where you are doing things that can be done by someone else.

Where can you get rid of those tasks? Everything is teachable.  Your job is to train and coach people to be as awesome as you are. Everyone should have someone who can do things for you that is $20 per hour so you can focus on your priorities such as your significant other, children, customers, health and your brain. It if it’s not on your list of priorities, don’t do it.

9. Don’t live in urgency.

Live in importance. Do the important stuff before it becomes urgent. Get rid of doing urgent items.

10. Know where you are aiming.

Human beings can do anything if they know what they are aiming for. Raise your standards. Raise your goals. Step into your greatness. Become who you need to become.

11. Schedule your downtime.

If you don’t, you will take downtime and it won’t be effective. Your brain needs rest. If you don’t schedule your down time you won’t be prepared for it and you won’t enjoy it because you will feel guilty.

12. Block time for planning.

At least 1% of your time should be set aside for scheduling and planning. That is 128 minutes per week in advance of planning out what you will do what you are going to do. It’s also 2-3 days planning the year and 1 day planning every 120 days.

What are you going to do to start developing your millionaire mindset?

Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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