Last week, I had the opportunity to interview Christine Hassler, the Author of 20-Something, 20-Everything: A Quarter-life Woman’s Guide to Balance and Direction. She is a Gen Y expert and from her passion about education and student development, Christine created a life balance curriculum for the Leadership Institute.
She is a member of Northwestern University’s Council of 100, The Young Entrepreneur Council and is a faculty member at the University of Santa Monica teaching programs in Spiritual Psychology.
Read this book if: you are in your 20’s or 30’s and are feeling the pressure to make this the time when everything needs to be decided from where to live, to what to do for a living and who to live with.
A few highlights from my interview with Christine Hassler:
A “quarter-life crisis” is defined in the dictionary as feelings of confusion, anxiety, and self-doubt experienced by some people in their twenties, especially after completing their education.
Many of us live beyond our means because we feel pressured to do so. Saying no to things we want or feel others expect us to do or have is difficult because of the “wanting it all” mentality. We want to have fun. We want to go out. We want to look good. We are constantly tempted.
One of the simplest sacrifices we can make is to give up the “wanting it all” mentality.
Everything we do in our twenties to improve our present financial picture makes for a brighter future. Take the time to focus on what might be important to you in a few years, it will take away from the current stress.
Focusing on others successes weakens our own security and when we compare ourselves to others, we risk tying our self-worth to external standards and to our expectations that we should more, better, or different.