Last week Amanda Abella and I hosted a free webinar called “How to Manage Men and Money.”  This was a REALLY hot topic and so I wanted to share it with you in case you missed it.
The topics we discussed in our Managing Men and Money Webinar included:
Mindsets and strategies you need for success managing your money and the men you work with
Differences between genders when managing money and negotiating
How to ask for what you want
How your emotions affect your success with money and managing men
Strategies for communicating with men
Who is Amanda?
Amanda Abella is a certified life coach and author who has created a firestorm community where millennials seek to create their best lives. She is also the author of the Amazon bestselling book Make Money Your Honey and has been featured in Forbes, The Huffington Post, and The Chicago Tribune. She has been teaching millennials how to cultivate better relationships with work and money since 2010.
Who is Anna?
You know me right?  Just in case this is your first time visiting, Anna Runyan is a speaker and leadership coach, founder of, one of Forbes most influential career sites for 2014 and the author of the popular new book, The Professional Woman’s Guide to Managing Men. She’s the go-to gal when you want to talk about how to be the best female leader possible. Anna Runyan uses her background working in a male dominated field for eight years as a Military Consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton to teach her clients how to successfully upgrade their leadership.
How Does Money Affect Genders?
More women are breadwinners than ever before.
More women have regained their jobs than men.
We have more women leaders than ever before.
There is still a major pay gap; women make $0.77 to every dollar a man makes
Money issues are a major cause of divorce.
Women are vastly outnumbered in leadership positions.
Money has a lot more to do with emotions than your bank account. Money (and everything having to do with money) is about 50% emotion and 50% action. We need to start becoming aware of when a story relating to money is actually yours or someone else’s and then start changing the story.
Women need to become open to solutions. You can start by creating money management practices that are actually fun, finding money mentors and create your “A” Team. Talk to your spouse/significant other about money. Put yourself in situations where you can practice asking for more such as sales calls and negotiations.
Differences Between Men and Women at Work
Managing Men Solutions
Embrace the competition
Use humor
Be assertive
Don’t shy away from sports talk
Coach & support
Build trust