This week we started our trip to New Zealand for an entire month!
My dad told me he didn’t even board an airplane until he was in his early twenties and here we are traveling the world with our 3-year-old daughter. It’s so easy to get stuck in a rut. Since I made the choice to start my blog and pursue a non-traditional career, I’ve always wanted to be different.
The world is waiting! Traveling with my family like this was a CRAZY dream years ago. We couldn’t even afford anything but the dollar menu at Carl’s Jr.
But it was a dream and I took baby steps every single day and had a lot of doors shut too. I’ll always regret saying no to things because I had to work or go to school only to look back and say, what was I thinking!
Don’t let the years pass by without living the life you really want to live and spending time with the people you love the most.
Little decisions and choices. They all add up to what happens in your future. Working with @johnrunyan in a coffee shop in a foreign country had always been on my vision board way before we ever knew we would be working together.
The choice to get out of debt. The choice to make the leap and quit my job. The choice to start a blog. The choice to wake up at 5 am to blog before work. The choice to ask for a networking meeting with an entrepreneur who advised me to start an email list. ????The choice to invest in myself and learn as much as I can. It all adds up to working at this coffee shop today and doing really unusual things.
Make a choice today to do something for your future. Be different. Start doing unusual things and inspire others to do the same.
[RELATED: A Location Independent Adventure Begins: Working From the Road]