4 Steps to More Courage

4 Steps to More Courage

“It’s not the critic who counts...the credit goes to the [person] who is actually in the arena. Whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short and short again...who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while...

5 Tips To Create a Compelling Business Story

5 Tips To Create a Compelling Business Story

Once upon a time... What a powerful starter. We grow up with stories -- powerful narratives that were, at one point, experienced by a human being, whether fictional or real. For many of us, stories are as close as we will come to experiencing something similar to this...

How to Develop Your Study Skills

How to Develop Your Study Skills

Whether you are a full-time undergraduate student, or you attend college at night while working full-time, learning to develop your study skills can be crucial to achieving the results you desire. Effectively managing your time, using incentives, utilizing study aids,...

Women Who Work Nominations: Top 25 Classy Career Girls of 2016

Women Who Work Nominations: Top 25 Classy Career Girls of 2016

Attention women who work! CCG is getting ready to launch our second annual Top 25 Classy Career Girls of 2016 and we can’t do it without you! Who are the women who work that have inspired and motivated you? We’re asking readers to help us generate a comprehensive list...

To Lie or Not To Lie?

To Lie or Not To Lie?

Recently, a friend (we’ll call him Bob) painted a charming picture of how his boss ordered him to lie to auditors. Bob and three co-workers had been doing a job they were uncertified to complete due to the incompetence of their other co-workers. If the auditors...

Beauty and Business: 5 Makeup Tips For The Working Woman

Beauty and Business: 5 Makeup Tips For The Working Woman

As a former freelance makeup artist, the most common question I received from clients was how to incorporate office-appropriate makeup into their daily beauty routines.  Most had some desire to enhance their overall appearance with light, natural makeup, but were...

Pros and Cons of Temporary Staffing

Pros and Cons of Temporary Staffing

According to the US Department of Labor, bad hiring decisions can equal 30% of the individual’s first-year potential earnings. More than 66% of companies experienced negative effects of bad hires. In our current market, both temporary staffing and permanent staffing...

How To Get Your First Job Out Of College

How To Get Your First Job Out Of College

Done with college? Now, it's time to find your dream career. Overwhelming right? The secret to battling overwhelm when searching for your first job is to plan your future out step-by-step. Nobody can turn their lives around overnight, right? There are five stages to...

How This Celebrity Is Keeping The Gender Pay Gap At The Forefront

How This Celebrity Is Keeping The Gender Pay Gap At The Forefront

It’s funny, sad and true. I’m talking about the latest video starring Kristen Bell that hilariously tackles the hot topic of the gigantic pay gap between men and women in the U.S. In a new video by the Huffington Post, “Pinksourcing,” Bell walks into an office full of...