
Join Classy Career Girl’s Book Launch Team

BREAKING NEWS: I need your help.  I am assembling a group of CCG readers who want to be a part of my launch team.  Applications to join my "Book Launch Team" are now open on the link below. Click here to apply. Benefits for those that apply: A free copy of the digital...

How to Organize and Plan Your Career Moves

Last week, members in the Get Ahead Club had the opportunity to listen to my interview with Dondi Scumaci, author of Designed for Success: The 10 Commandments for Women in the Workplace, Ready, Set…Grow! and Career Moves. Dondi is an international speaker, author and...

How to Work With Men

A few weeks ago I did a free teleseminar for soon to be college grads about what to expect after graduation. At the end of the call, we opened it up for questions and a man on the line jumped in and asked the below question about what it is like for a woman to work...

Free 1 Year Get Ahead Club Membership Giveaway

As we celebrate our 3 year anniversary this month, we are having another giveaway! Classy Career Girl is giving away 1 year FREE MEMBERSHIP to the Classy Career Girl Get Ahead Club. If you don’t know what Get Ahead Club is, you can learn more about the club here....

How Successful Women Lead: Interview with Sharon Hadary

How Successful Women Lead: Interview with Sharon Hadary

This week I had the opportunity to interview Sharon Hadary, Co-Author of How Women Lead: 8 Essential Strategies Successful Women Know.  Sharon Hadary is the former executive director of the Center for Women’s Business Research. Dr. Hadary has been a leader in creating...

How To Be Nice At Work Without Being a Doormat

How To Be Nice At Work Without Being a Doormat

Dear Classy Career Girl, Do you have any advice on how to adjust your coworkers' perception of you? Over the past few years I have been working hard to “upgrade” my professional persona – i.e. be less of a doormat, more assertive and confident, etc. Since then I’ve...

How Do I Move Up The Chain In My Job?

How Do I Move Up The Chain In My Job?

Dear Classy Career Girl, I currently work at a state university in mid-management, but would like to move into administration (vice-president).  I have an undergraduate business degree, an MBA and working on a doctorate degree. What tips can you provide on how to...

5 Things Successful Women Wish They Would’ve Known

5 Things Successful Women Wish They Would’ve Known

I am an introvert, and networking has always been difficult for me, but I have always known that networking would be the key to reaching my professional goals. I have found that giving myself a challenge is the best way to take my networking to the next level. In...

A Look Back and a Look Forward For Classy Career Girl

A Look Back and a Look Forward For Classy Career Girl

Let me tell you a story about a girl. She started a blog and put her heart and soul into it. Then she started getting readers, questions, emails, pitches, advertising requests, business ideas and interview requests that she realized she was overwhelmed. She looked...