To Be Silent Is To Take Sides

To Be Silent Is To Take Sides

It's been a tough week but I know as hard as it is for me, it is nothing compared to what people of color have to deal with on a daily basis. I don’t have to worry about my husband or kids in the same way or for the same reasons you do. That's wrong. I know I have...

5 Things Female Professionals Need To Stop Doing Right Now

5 Things Female Professionals Need To Stop Doing Right Now

Female? Check. Working professional? Sure. Ambitious too? Listen up, gurl: you need to grow out of these bad habits – pronto. 5 Things Female Professionals Need To Stop Doing, Like, Right Now 1. Perpetuating Double Standards We all grew up in the same society....

How to Overcome Stereotypes in the Workplace

How to Overcome Stereotypes in the Workplace

Women have made huge strides in tackling issues of inequality in the workplace over the last decade. Even with these improvements, the statistics about gender stereotypes in 2017 still make for grim reading. Whether it’s in boardrooms or on construction sites, women...

How to Get a Job With a Disability [INFOGRAPHIC]

How to Get a Job With a Disability [INFOGRAPHIC]

Some working environments can place considerable physical and mental burden on people who are of perfect health in body and mind. If those people find a job difficult to perform, think of how hard it would be for someone with a physical or mental disability: the type...

Are Women Getting Equal Opportunities in Today’s World?

Are Women Getting Equal Opportunities in Today’s World?

The word Opportunity literally means “time or a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.” So if we want to scrutinize the idea as to whether the women of today are getting equal opportunities, we need to look at whether the time or set of...

Female-Led Companies That Have Bridged The Funding Gap [INFOGRAPHIC]

Female-Led Companies That Have Bridged The Funding Gap [INFOGRAPHIC]

While the past year has seen increased strides toward gender equality in entrepreneurship, it’s still a work in progress, especially when it comes to venture capital. Among the 3,003 companies that secured Seed, Series A or Series B funding in 2016, only 479 (16%) had...

3 Easy Things You Can Do to Support Other Women

3 Easy Things You Can Do to Support Other Women

Your life looks a little like this: slaying at work each day, meeting up with friends for drinks and laughs, hitting up new spots with your partner on date night, and squeezing in some work-out time (or not). It’s fun and hectic at times, but you’re committed to doing...

Female Entrepreneurs By The Numbers (Infographic)

Female Entrepreneurs By The Numbers (Infographic)

According to the 2012 U.S. Census, women own 36% of all businesses, which is a 30% jump from 6% in 2007. 18% of startups have at least 1 female founder. Globally, Women-owned entities in the formal sector represent approximately 37% of enterprises, which translates...

Working: How It Can Help Your Family

Working: How It Can Help Your Family

Moms rule. Whether you work the traditional 9 to 5, work at home with your kids, or own your own business, moms make the world go round. In today’s world, many families don’t have a choice about whether or not mom (or dad) can stay home with the kids. For most...