Career Quiz: The Best First Steps To Take NOW!


Wondering what the best first steps are to launch your dream career or business? Take our quick career quiz to guide you into the best first steps within your career journey. Once you have taken this quick quiz, you will be guided through the path that best fits your needs.


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Career Quiz: The Best First Steps To Take NOW!

Career Quiz: The Best First Steps To Take NOW!


What is a Success Path?

A success path helps you see where you are going. It helps you see where you are at right now and what you need to do to get to the next step.

The Corporate Rescue Plan Success Path is a proven path to quit your day job, start a profitable and fulfilling business you love and make a difference in the world.

Love Your Career Formula is the quickest and fastest way to find the career you were born to do, to be wildly successful at it and to leave your lasting mark on the world.

We all start at the same place. No matter where you are at in your career or entrepreneur journey, these are the foundational phases that we all go through. Many entrepreneurs that Anna talks with are unhappy and stressed running their businesses because they have skipped the beginning phases that we talk about. We know you need to get started and find some customers. Trust the process, it will come.

Some people go quicker than others. There’s no rush. Take it step by step.

You have to trust the process. Thousands of women have gone through these exact same success path steps. You are going to love having a plan and knowing where you are headed.


Here are the Career Quiz questions. Let’s go!

Career Quiz Question Q1. Which best describes you?

Answer: If you answered 1 or 2 that you do not know your ideal career and don’t know where to start, you should start in the first steps of Love Your Career Formula. Love Your Career Formula is designed to help you identify the career you were born to do so that you can be more successful and fulfilled.

If you answered 3 or 4, you are 100% sure you want to start a business or you already have a side hustle, you’ll love our Corporate Rescue Plan Success Path. It’s designed to help you create the business you were born to do and have more time freedom and flexibility.

Click here to download the free Resignation Action Plan.

Career Quiz Question 2. Do you want to be an employee or entrepreneur?

If you answered 1 or 3, you want to advance within your company and need help updating your resume and cover letter, then Love Your Career Formula is for you. It’s designed to help you create your ideal career as an employee and get your dream job and dream salary!

If you answered 2 or 4, you need help getting starting creating your business, the best place to be is to go through the Corporate Rescue Plan Success Path. We will help you get started and tell you the exact steps you should take to start your business!


Career Quiz Question 3. I do not know my passion.

If you answered true and don’t know what your passion is, you’ll really benefit from the steps in Love Your Career Formula. You’ll love the steps to identify what your calling is and to prepare yourself for networking and job searching. I do not recommend updating your resume or online job searching if you do not know what your passion is. This is a crucial place that you need to start to self-assess and make sure you don’t get stuck in a job you hate ever again!


Career Quiz Question 4. Do you currently have a side hustle that you would like to turn into a full-time business?

If you answered true, you’ll love our Corporate Rescue Plan Success Path! It’s designed to help you narrow down all of your business ideas and create your business and marketing plan. You’ll take the step by step proven process to help you navigate going from employee to entrepreneur so you can impact and serve more customers and clients!

I hope these 4 questions help you create your first steps in launching your dream career or business! Make sure you add your name to the CLASS membership waitlist so you can take our proprietary programs, Love Your Career Formula and Corporate Rescue Plan!

CCG Love your work and life roadmap

Click here to download the free Love Your Work and Life Roadmap.

The Best First Steps To Take NOW!

Now, after you answer those first four questions, now you have identified which success path you should start in. That’s a big win and you are making progress already! YAY! Here are your first steps you should take.

Love Your Career Formula First Steps

This is for you if you want to figure out your ideal career.

  • Identify your priorities and take control of your calendar.
  • Identify practical ways to reduce your fears and worries. There are so many uncomfortable feelings when you change your career and you have to conquer the fear and worry that happens.
  • Make a mental commitment to launch your dream career or business no matter what. This is where it starts. You have to make a commitment first and then you’ll be ready to take action.
  • Identify the type of work that makes you most fulfilled. You aren’t going to find your ideal career on online job search sites. This takes self-assessment and inward work that can’t be found online job searching. The most important thing is to know what career you are looking for BEFORE you start the online job search.
  • Make a list of potential career ideas and evaluate your passions so you can get into the right career.

Corporate Rescue Plan First Steps

If you want to be your own boss, you’ll want to start in the employee to entrepreneur success path.

Here are the first steps in The Startup Foundation of Corporate Rescue Plan:

  • Narrow down the activities you can do for hours and hours and not get bored. Those are the activities you want to turn into the ideal business that you were born to do
  • Identify the strengths you want to use in your ideal workday and identify the problem your business will solve. A lot of people start a business because they think it will be cool and fun and they think the market needs this product. But, it doesn’t really solve a problem. If you are happy, fulfilled and solving problems your business will be a success.
  • Get feedback from other people about your business idea.
  • Review the types of business models you can have and pick one model to start with. The 4 main types of business models are advertising, publishing, service-based businesses like coaching or consulting, and physical product.
  • Identify which of your ideas you are most passionate about starting now. As an entrepreneur, I know you have a ton of ideas that you want to do but you have to narrow it down so you can be crystal clear on the direction you can take.

If you want to join us inside of CLASS so you can get started on the quiz. We’d love to have you! Click HERE and add your name to the waitlist for the next time doors open.


Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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