Samantha Stauf
Samantha Stauf is a college educated writer who spends her free time crafting career, entertainment, and business articles.


Samantha Stauf
Samantha Stauf is a college educated writer who spends her free time crafting career, entertainment, and business articles.


Posts by Samantha
To Lie or Not To Lie?

To Lie or Not To Lie?

Recently, a friend (weā€™ll call him Bob) painted a charming picture of how his boss ordered him to lie to auditors. Bob and three co-workers had been doing a job they were uncertified to complete due to the incompetence of their other co-workers. If the auditors...

5 Work Policies Your Employees Will Love

5 Work Policies Your Employees Will Love

If you are a manager, you don't want your employees to think of their work as aĀ Ā soul destroying daily requirement that makes them dread the dawn. Your goal is to get them motivated to complete a higher purpose. Ā If you create your work policies right, you'll motivate...