Meagan Weekes
Meagan Weekes works at Canadabiz.net as a Content Manager. She enjoys sharing career tips and her broad work experience. She specializes in developing business ideas, career advancement, and networking.


Meagan Weekes
Meagan Weekes works at Canadabiz.net as a Content Manager. She enjoys sharing career tips and her broad work experience. She specializes in developing business ideas, career advancement, and networking.


Posts by Meagan
8 Sure Signs You’re Facing a Burnout

8 Sure Signs You’re Facing a Burnout

Absolutely everyone is prone to burnout. While itā€™s true that routine and repetition can be good for you, theyā€™re less good when theyā€™re preventing you from growing or youā€™re repeating stressful tasks. Everyone needs a break ā€“ thatā€™s why your job gives you vacation...

Master These 8 Body Language Tips For Career Success

Master These 8 Body Language Tips For Career Success

Women donā€™t have it easy in the workplace. Weā€™re expected to look a certain way, behave a certain way, and deal with a lot of things that our male coworkers wouldnā€™t have to deal with, like harmful stereotypes. Body language is a crucial element of communication, and...