Ever been overwhelmed creating your business plan? Yeah, me too. Today I am going to share my love/hate relationship with business plans and the simple plan that works for me. If you want to write a business plan to grow your business, you are definitely going to love this episode.
How to Write a Business Plan
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Today I want to talk about something I wish I would have known sooner when I was building my business. Many of you might think that since I have my MBA, that’s how I knew how to start and grow a business. I would say you are correct if you are talking about a different type of business. The truth is, going to business school didn’t really help me make a plan to launch the type of business that I wanted to launch. I wanted to launch a serviced based consulting business, not a high-tech business that required a lot of venture funding to start.
Some Topics I discussed:
My experience making a business plan in Business School
5 steps to create your business plan for your dream business
How to Plan Your Purpose
How to Plan Your People Plan
The First 4 Hires You Should Make in Your New Business
How to Plan Your Product Plan
How to Plan Your Promotion Plan
The 5-Step Sales Funnel System
How to Plan Your Profit