How to Stop Feeling Like a Fraud

I’ve been getting a lot of requests to talk about imposter syndrome and feeling like a fraud. So that is what I’m going to share in today’s podcast episode.

If you have ever felt like you are not qualified or not good enough to do the job or to do something scary. You’re a little uncomfortable and you feel like who am I to actually do that job?  No one is going to think I’m smart enough. No one is going to think I’m good enough. Like who would actually do that?

Well, then you might have had imposter syndrome. We’ve all had it. I’m going to teach you how to stop feeling like a fraud.

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How to Stop Feeling Like a Fraud

If there’s something you feel like you’re not qualified for, you’re not good enough. Just try to do it.

Go for it because you will experience such an amazing feeling afterward, and then you will be unstoppable after you actually do it.

Some of the things I shared on this episode:

  • My experiences in my first international speaking events in Brazil where I’ve spoken to thousands of women.

  • My coach advice to get over feeling like a fraud.

  • How to get over impostor syndrome.

So I hope this will be inspiring for you. If I can do it, you can do it too!

So go out there, do big things. Let me know if you listen to this podcast. Let me know in the comments what you thought about it.

And if you’ve ever felt like a fake, if you’ve ever felt like you’re not qualified for something, and if you had any experiences with the impostor syndrome and how you got over it, I’d love for you to share in the comments below. Because I’d love for you to help other people as well. Your comments will inspire and motivate others.


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Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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