5 Surprisingly Simple Health Tips for Busy Women
Ladies are not called “superwomen” for nothing. They are masters of time, from cleaning the house, doing the laundry, taking care of their husband and kids, and attending PTA meetings to having a full-time job. It’s a wonder how they’re able to do all of these without losing their sanity.
Some women, though, tend to forget that they deserve to care for themselves as much as the people they care for. Time has become a luxury that they can’t afford in going to the salon or working out in a gym. Despite the overwhelming responsibilities given to women, it is important that they should feel good about themselves.
Having a fit and healthy body should never be taken for granted despite having a busy schedule. So how can women juggle all the responsibilities and stay fit at the same time?
Below are tips created specifically for busy women who want to maintain a healthy and toned body.

5 Surprisingly Simple Health Tips for Busy Women

1.Walk Down to Work

Did you know that walking is the easiest type of exercise?
That’s right. We have learned how to walk since we were babies and this simple activity can help you live a healthier life. If your office is walking distance from your house, walk to work every day instead of commuting. If it’s very far, you can park a few kilometers away and walk the rest.
Incorporating at least 30 minutes of walking every day could lead to greater health results. In addition, you come into the office feeling refreshed since you were able to breathe fresh air and see beautiful scenes on your way there.

2.Keep Healthy Snacks Handy

Most people opt to for fast food or ready to eat meals because they are pressed for time. Though it’s faster and convenient, the problem with these foods is that they are high in calories. Aside from the fact that they are the culprit on why you can’t fit into those pair of jeans anymore, they can lead to health problems like hypertension, diabetes, heart disease etc.
One of the best ways to ensure that you will make healthier food choices is to have healthy snacks nearby. Pack healthy snacks like almonds, veggies and dip, curry roasted chickpeas, protein bars, yogurt and fruits. When you have these foods at your fingertips, you won’t have to dial the nearest fast-food joint or get chips and a soda at the vending machine.
[RELATED: 10 Best Home Workouts For Busy Women]

3.Have a High Protein Meal

Protein is a must-have if you want to lose weight. This hunger-busting powerhouse keeps blood sugar steady and slows digestion. It also helps to keep cravings at bay and increases satisfaction so you don’t have to eat more.
These protein-rich foods below are ideal for busy women as they are very easy to prepare.
  • Single-serve cottage cheese – One serving contains 20 grams of protein and is only 110 calories.
  • Hard boiled egg – This powerhouse breakfast or snack contains 6 grams of protein, vitamin D, and vitamin B-12, and is only 77 calories.
  • Peanut butter pack – Each 1.15-ounce pack has 8 grams of protein and contains only 190 calories
  • Oatmeal packets or cups – This fiber-packed meal contains 4 grams of protein per packet and has only 150 calories.

4. Try Deskercise

Having a 9-to-5 job at the office could mean prolonged sitting to some. Sitting for a long time is not good for your health. Astudyconducted by the National Cancer Institute found that sitting can increase the risk of getting cancer by more than 60 %.
So how do we avoid being a couch potato and keep active even though we are staring at the computer the whole day?
There are a lot of exercises that you can do while you are on your desk. These exercises, such as paper pushups, book press, shoulder blade squeezes, office yoga, etc, are called “deskercise.” Using a treadmill desk is also one effective way of being active at work.

5.Do 20 Minutes Interval Training

It’s not the quantity of workout that matters but the quality of it. Due to women’s busy schedule, they don’t need an hour workout regime. The good news is that they can have an intense workout for only 20 minutes. Interval training is ideal for busy women since for only a short period of time, it offers arrays of benefits which help promote a healthier physique.
Now being busy is no longer an excuse for not having a healthy lifestyle. Do all of the steps above and you will see that in no time, you will become fit and healthy.

Hi, I'm Anna!

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