CLASS Member Spotlight: Cristal Finley

We are going to hear another inspiring real life story from one of my CLASS students.

I was so excited when I went live with a group of incredible women. These women all launched their dream careers and businesses in a wide variety of different markets.

In this new episode, you’ll hear again from my current student and she will share how she did it with LITTLE time and LITTLE MONEY and how you can do it too!

These 6 women have launched a physical planner, launched an online coaching business from home, got their first client, changed jobs and got over their fears to launch their dream career! Isn’t that amazing?

You can watch the recording of the CLASS Livecast: Real Life Stories of Women Launching Their Dream Careers and Businesses.

I’m just excited because you always hear from me and this is one of my all time favorite things to do is feature YOU GUYS.

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Cristal Finley From Hers For The Taking

Let’s have a recap first! I’ve shared 4 amazing stories from my live cast with my CLASS members. I’ve shared Brandi Carter, Nella Castro, Joni Hough, and Meredith Silberstein’s stories.

Now, you’ll hear another real life success story from Cristal Finley.

CLASS Member Spotlight: Cristal Finley from Hers For The Taking

Cristal Finley

Blogger & Business Professional

Cristal Finley is the co-founder of Hers For The Taking, a philanthropist and a business professional with a background in finance. Early on she figured out that personal and career development was essential to growth and getting closer to her big goals. She started this community to help working women reveal the possibilities available to them.

Her professional career began before she finished college and at the time, she did not realize her own potential and what she brought to the table. She was hired out of her internship position and offered a permanent position and it took a lot of work to make that opportunity appear. Since that point, she has advanced through positions and had to learn a lot of new skills to continue to create the opportunities that she wanted.


– Made it to Phase 2 of Corporate Rescue Plan.

– Submitted her first proposal to be a speaker at a local event and it was accepted. She spoke last March!

– Developed a new brand and got focused on what her offering will be.

– Was recognized in CLASS for the monthly challenge focused on Instagram.


“Sharing a win. So one thing I worked on in 2019 was trying to get comfortable with any public speaking. I created somewhere around 25 opportunities to practice. In 2020 a focus is to take on bigger speaking opportunities and to become more engaging and comfortable not relying on notes. A few minutes ago I submitted a proposal for a local speaking opportunity.I’ve been doubting myself a lot but I did it anyway. I have no idea what I possibly got myself into yet (if chosen!) but I’m getting out of my comfort zone and trying”


“I got my Instagram marketing plan done. I’ve needed to get clear on this plan! I also heard Anna mention this focus for me in the last training. Looking forward to learning more about this”


“Hello, it has been a big couple of weeks over here and I want to share some wins.

1) The speaking proposal I submitted a few weeks ago for a local opportunity was accepted and I was invited to speak. I’m putting my presentation together now!

2) I just landed a new job that will give me the flexibility I need and enough pay to really help my family immediately. My current team has really been operating on doing more with less and it’s been tough. I actually asked for what I wanted and negotiated. It was scary and I was so stressed but I did it and it worked!

3) I use social media quite a bit and one of my contacts just called a few mins ago to ask if I would help with theirs and work on a monthly newsletter in exchange for references and credit to the many businesses they work with. I was seriously just thinking privately last week about whether this could be something for me. Now I have an opportunity to try it out. I don’t know what all of it means just yet. I think I’m still taking it all in. I do know that life can completely change in the matter of a month.

“Happy Friday!  I made my first LinkedIn post for my friend’s organization today. She is my first client if you will as I test out whether social media could be for me. I went into this kind of lost, but it turns out I know a bit more than I thought! I’m getting a brand sheet put together, got 5 templates for event posts created and will be setting up a content calendar soon for future posts. Hitting the post button was such a rush today. I had the biggest smile afterwards and felt so accomplished! Excited to see what’s next.


You’re probably thinking that you could never be like Cristal. Well actually, my students are just like you! They were once right where you are. And with one little step, they were able to get to where they are now. JUST LIKE YOU CAN TOO.

We’ll guide you to the career or business that you were meant for with our all new CLASS experience and community.

CLASS Member Spotlight- Cristal Finley From Hers For The Taking

Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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