CCG Success 04: How To Stick To Your Goals

Welcome to our fourth episode on success! If you haven’t listened to the previous episodes, I highly recommend checking those episodes out before diving into today’s podcast.

We’ve been talking about who a Classy Career Girl is, she makes goals and a plan that inspires her in her mindset, money, life, and career dreams. She strives for living her best life.

I really want to help you take the stress out of sticking to goals and making a plan that inspires you.

I know things come up, and those roadblocks can get in the way. Which is why I love the written planner, because I can get back to my plans once we move past those roadblocks.  You are so much more likely to reach your goals if you write them down!

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4 Easy Tips For Creating and Achieving Your Goals

If I can make a physical planner launch happen in 90 days with two kids and a crazy schedule, so can you! You have the system and planner right in front of you so let’s get to it!

Believe You Can

Mindset is the most important thing. You have to believe that you can accomplish your goals. You may not know how you are going to do it and it might be super scary but it’s ok! Just keep repeating affirmations and staying as positive as you can.

Create a vision journal or vision board that you look at every day. Setbacks will come up and things will get tough, but if you know you can do it, you’ll be able to move past the tough times and make your goals happen. 

Also, remember to write down 3 things you are grateful for every day. This will also help you stay positive. In our new Create Your Future Planners, we have a spot for affirmations and gratitude every single day because it’s so important to keep your mindset right when going after your dreams.  

Don’t Worry About Being Perfect

Many people get overwhelmed trying to figure out what to write down. They worry that it’s not perfect so they just don’t write anything at all. Or they have doubts that they can’t make their goals happen so don’t want to write anything. My tip for you is to not worry about it being perfect. Just write down the first thing that comes to your mind. 

Don’t worry that your goals have to be a certain way or how they will get done. Just put what’s important to you down when it comes to creating your plan. You can always go back later and put deadlines. Later on, you can review if they are achievable or SMART goals.

If you are new to this or get stuck creating your goals, the most important thing is you just get SOMETHING down. It shouldn’t take too long if you are just writing down the first thing that comes to your mind. Don’t overcomplicate this! 

Make It a Habit 

Make a commitment to do a new 90-day plan every quarter, a new monthly plan every month, and a new weekly plan each week. This consistent action won’t take long and is crucial to your success and happiness. If you stick with it, you’ll find that this planner will become part of your routine. 

Planning time will become a habit and you will reach your goals, even with a busy schedule. You’ll also want to get into a habit of writing down a daily to-do list where you prioritize three things that need to get done each day. There’s a lot of things you could do each day, so you have to know what is the most important thing. You might not get everything done each day and that’s ok. As long as you get the most important things done.

Take Advantage of This Community

You don’t have to do this alone! If you are feeling stuck, ask for help! Join the Classy Career Girl Network Facebook group and ask your questions. With over 17,000 women, I’m sure there is someone who can help you in the group or at least point you in the right direction to complete your goals.

I highly recommend getting an accountability partner or starting your own mastermind group of your peers to help each other out and give feedback to each other. If you do this, your 2019 will be a really fun and incredible year. 

If you keep taking the baby steps and implement these tips in your 2019 planning, you’ll be ready to have your best year ever. I’m excited for you!

Practical Tools:

  • The 90- day planner or free planner.
  • Asana. Take those big projects and make them digital. All new big things in my business now have a project. 

Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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