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Show Topics:
6 mistakes that women make at work
Interview with Mona Abdel-Halim: Resume writing and advice
Reader Question: Studying/Working abroad
6 Common Mistakes Women Make At Work Transcript:
Hi, this is Anna Runyan from, and welcome to podcast #6! Today in the podcast I am going to go over the six mistakes women make at work that hold them back, then we are going to listen to the interview about resume writing and advice from the Founder of Resunate, Mona Abdel-Halim. Then I am going to answer a question from a reader in the get unstuck course about working abroad.
So let’s get started with the six common mistakes women make at work. These mistakes I recently heard at a seminar at my work by Mary Davis Holt, the Author of Break Your Own Rules. She is a partner at Flynn Heath Holt Leadership (FHHL) whose goal is to move women and organizations forward, faster. She is an executive coach and keynote speaker on business, women, and leadership. My company occasionally offers webinars which I think are really important and I know a lot of companies offer them but it is really hard to find the time to actually attend them because we are all so busy. So next time a free training comes up, take it and listen. So the mistakes that women make at work.
1) Many women seek approval before moving forward. The leaders of my company suggested that we don’t seek approval., instead drive change and make things happen,
2) Being overly modest about their accomplishments. Project personal power exude executive stature, come prepared with your game face and radiate confidence
3) Playing it safe or opting out. Get feedback before you quit or make a rash decision (Sheryl Sandberg is famous for her videos which I have played on my blog here.), don’t think it is all or nothing, you never know where you might wind up in 5 years so think long term and not just short term when you are making important decisions.
4) Worrying too much about what others thing and not taking center stage. Women are often worried about what others think, but the leaders of my company advise us to take center stage – say what you want others can be responsible for themselves, don’t worry about others, say what you want, others can be responsible for themselves. I know I am often worried about others career development at my company so this tip hit home because everyone really needs to be responsible for themselves and I must worry about myself as much as possible.
5) Avoiding office politics. Many women work really hard but they don’t develop the right relationships within the company. Mingle and observe, develop relationships with the influential players at your company because it isn’t about how hard you can work, instead, it is who you know.
6) Playing it safe. Instead, play to win – take chances don’t play to be safe, fear is good –it makes you grow. Recognize the fear, be courageous and don’t be afraid to try it and give it a shot.
Moral of the story: You are responsible for your own career and you have to take charge to be successful.
I hope you found these tips helpful and maybe you noticed some mistakes that you might be making at work. If you would like to read more about this, I highly recommend the book Nice Girls Don’t Get The Corner Office by Lois Frankel.
Now we are going to listen to my interview with Mona Abdel-Halim – Interview #4 about resume writing advice. If you are frustrated applying to jobs over and over again online and are looking for a way to make your resume more unique and stand out, you definitely want to listen to this interview.
Click here to watch the video and read the transcript with Mona Abdel-Halim.
Thoughts From the Mona Interview
Alright, I hope you enjoyed the interview with Mona. My favorite parts of the interview are when she said that even if you pick one career path, you don’t have to stick with it and you can choose other areas as well. I think many people go to school and get a job and then feel like they have to stick it out because that is what they went to college or got their masters in . I agree with Mona that you can have many jobs and careers and it is all about what fits you best and what you are passionate about. I know my career path has changed a lot in the 7 years since I graduated college and I think that is just a part of growing up and learning about yourself more.
So here is a question from a reader, Amanda
I know I want to do something with art galleries/museums or baking and I want to move to Europe (specifically Paris or Italy). However, I have NO IDEA how to make that happen.
I was wondering if you have any advice? I don’t know where to start and its scary. But I know its what would make me truly happy! Help!”