Get Better With Money
How to Start Saving For Retirement

How to Start Saving For Retirement

Retirement doesn't have a cookie cutter plan that will work for everyone. That being said, I am most concerned about Millennials (that means my generation) and our finances in retirement. I'm not going to blame politics, social security or the pity party our...

4 Tactics I Used to Save 70% of My Income

4 Tactics I Used to Save 70% of My Income

Not long ago, I was sitting in another meeting, gazing at the people around me, wondering—how did I get here? I was supposed to help people, to be of service in connecting them to careers they felt passionate about. Instead I found myself in another meeting discussing...

How I Am Paying Off $128,000 in Student Loan Debt

How I Am Paying Off $128,000 in Student Loan Debt

When you owe more money than you’ve ever written a check for, it can seem overwhelming and beyond your control to get a handle on repayment. However, as with most things in life, student loan debt is considerably less intimidating when broken down into bite-size...

A Trip to Europe: 11 Ways to Get the Best “Bang” For Your Buck

A Trip to Europe: 11 Ways to Get the Best “Bang” For Your Buck

If you're ambitious, then right now you're probably balancing your desire to enjoy your life, and a desire to buckle down and get rid of that crushing student loan debt. Depending on the day, you may be ready to drop everything and fly to Europe. We've been through...

How to Pay Off Six Figures of Debt

How to Pay Off Six Figures of Debt

9 years ago, I was six months pregnant. I hadn't gotten the mail in nearly a week. I didn't want to. I was dreading the bills that were going to be in there. We made good money but we were living paycheck to paycheck and the amount of money we owed was growing, not...

Quick Cash Flow Ideas For Business Owners

Quick Cash Flow Ideas For Business Owners

The best part of becoming an entrepreneur is that you can create your own money just by taking a little action. I will never forget when I was starting my business and I invested in myself by hiring a business coach. I had NO IDEA how I was going to find the money but...

The Top 9 Ways to Grow Your Business Without Debt

The Top 9 Ways to Grow Your Business Without Debt

In the past, I wrote about how my husband and I paid off $80,000 in debt. That was before we became business owners. It was actually one of the main reasons we both were able to quit our jobs and both focus full-time on growing our business. We didn't have debt...

Girl Boss: Our 8 Best Articles on Starting Your Own Business

Girl Boss: Our 8 Best Articles on Starting Your Own Business

Since "starting a business" articles are always a hot and trending topic on CCG, we thought we would do a roundup of ALL of our best Girl Boss Articles.  The truth is that starting a business is possible, you just need the right education and mentorship. That's why...

5 Must Have Resources for Passive Income

5 Must Have Resources for Passive Income

Recently, there was a ton of interest in our article about how to create passive income. We explored three different ways you can create passive income online. Today we wanted to dive even deeper and share what tools and resources you need to have in order to actually...