Woman at Work
How to Manage Your Micro-Managing Boss & Eliminate Work Stress

How to Manage Your Micro-Managing Boss & Eliminate Work Stress

We've all been there. Your micro-managing boss gives you way more 'urgent' tasks to complete than humanly possible and asks for updates on a project you were just given this morning. I don't work well like this. When I worked in the past for micro-managing, energy...

[last chance] Women Leaders Save 50% -Sale Ends TONIGHT!

This is a final courtesy reminder that today is the last chance to save 50% on my brand new online course, Accelerate Your Leadership in 5-Days.  To claim your savings, purchase here by MIDNIGHT tonight. You'll instantly SAVE 50% on your purchase. If you are ready to...

How to Create a Career Development Action Plan

How to Create a Career Development Action Plan

Too often I see strong, professional women who have the skills to grow into leaders getting stuck in their career. They stop growing, and it is usually because they don’t have a career development plan in place. So, today I am going to teach you today how to create...

5 Ways to Get What You Deserve During Salary Negotiations

5 Ways to Get What You Deserve During Salary Negotiations

If you dread salary negotiations, you are not alone. Negotiating a salary is something that most women I work with dread. Here are a few of the most common mistakes I see professional women make over and over again: "Well...first I will submit my resume and give a...