DIY: Have Your Own Business Vision and Planning Workshop
In the past, you all have loved our DIY: Vision Board Workshop so I thought I would also come out with one specifically geared towards creating your business vision. No matter where you are at in your business, you need to do these four days of activities. If you are new, you are lucky. You landed on a great page that will help you build a company you are proud of. If you have been in business for six years like I have, you will enjoy this fresh perspective of just getting back to the basics and simplifying the complicated world your business has likely become.
I break this business vision and planning workshop down into four days. Yes, I know you are an overachiever and you can do it all in one day. But if you are like me, this is better broken down so you can give everything to each of the tasks and really think about them to make them meaningful to you. This is important and will make every other task you do in your business from the money to the marketing to the sales so much easier!
Make sure you play along! This is crucial for your new business no matter what stage you are in. I do this every year.

DIY: Have Your Own Business Vision and Planning Workshop


Discovering the purpose for your new business is the first step on the path to creating a vision for your company. I would love to hear what your company’s purpose is….even if it’s a little foggy.
This should be clear in one sentence and provide the reason of your company’s existence. It should also be broad enough to last for 100 years but still narrow enough so you don’t serve everyone.
Classy Career Girl’s Purpose: To help women find jobs, start businesses and love their work and life.
What is your new company’s purpose?


Once you have a purpose clearly stated you are ready to begin to consider your 3-5 year mission.
It should be obvious to everyone when you accomplish your mission.
1. What is the most important work for your company to be doing over the next few years?
2. What is the next major number goal on the path to accomplishing your big purpose?
I like to take the focus off dollars here and think of lives changed. For me this equals dream careers and businesses launched. What is the impact and difference you are making? Think big!
Classy Career Girl’s Mission:
To dominate the market of job search and entrepreneurship online training for women with 2,000 dream careers and businesses launched by 2018.
What is your new company’s mission?


If the purpose is the “why” and the mission is the “what”, the values are the how. The best part is that knowing your values helps you make decisions for your company.
What do you believe in? What do you support? What do you work for? When you hire someone, what are you looking for? How do you want them to act?
Classy Career Girl’s Values:
We believe in high standards of personal behavior.
We support other women.
We believe in your dreams.
We don’t waste your time.
We do the right thing.
We embrace risk.
We don’t give up.
We stay inspired every day.
We work for more than a paycheck.
We work to make a difference.
We hustle to serve you.
We take imperfect action daily.
We never stop learning.
We live our lives with no regrets.
We chase our dreams.
We find a way.
We don’t play small.
What are your company’s values?

Business Vision Planning Party


Last year, I was challenged by my own personal business coach to write down what I would say to you if it was the last final thing I could say on social media.  Something that I might be scared to share with you. I call it my manifesto and it’s been getting a ton of shares and great responses on social media even though I was so scared to share it! I guess that is how you know when you have written something truly meaningful. That’s what I want to do in your business too! This is now on my about page because of how important it is to the purpose of my business.
Here are some questions that will help you create your own manifesto.
If you didn’t care what other people thought, what would you say to your fans and followers?
What are you sick of in your industry?
What do your potential clients need to STOP doing that you feel so strongly about?
What do your potential clients need to START doing you feel strong about?

Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

Learn More

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