5 Best Business Ideas For Freedom and Flexibility


I am super excited today to give you the five best business ideas for freedom and flexibility. I have dabbled in all five of these different business ideas.

I’m excited to give you the behind the scenes so you can kind of figure out which business idea you should pick. I know when you’re starting, you have a lot of ideas, and it’s a real struggle to narrow down those ideas, make a plan, take the first step, and create your strategy to grow your business.

I hope this video today provides clarity even if you have a million different ideas. I highly recommend that you pick one of these five strategies. These are the best 5 strategies to grow your business today.

Note: The featured photo was taken by JEFF WISWELL.


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5 Best Business Ideas For Freedom and Flexibility

You can do all of these business ideas working from home if you want to. You can have more freedom and flexibility because that’s what entrepreneurship is all about, right?

Entrepreneurship is about creating your schedule, being in charge of your time, having freedom to do what you love and working when and where you want to. There’s so much opportunity today.

So let’s dive right in and go over these five ideas.

#1: Publishing

The first business idea that is super easy to get started with is publishing. You can start a business by publishing an ebook, a guide, a PDF, or a course. This is one of the ways I got started.

I started to publish a book that was called Networking: 25 Ways to Expand Your Network. That was many years ago, but that was the PDF that I sold in the very beginning. 

You can publish and write a guide from anywhere you want, and you can create courses too. Publishing is really easy to do online.

What are you an expert at? What can you share with other people? What do other people always ask you for help with? What could you do for hours and hours and not get bored?

Create a guide that includes those things. Create a course, so you can teach other people what you know.

[RELATED: How To Grow a Side Hustle From Home]

#2: Service

The second great business idea for more freedom and flexibility is to offer a service. This could be by coaching someone, by consulting someone or by helping someone with something.

An example would be helping someone with their social media. For example, we hired a social media manager and we have a couple of virtual assistants that help us in our business. You could provide a service to someone by helping them with the administrative things in their business.

Providing a service is the number one way to start a business. It’s the easiest way to start because you only have to find one client. You don’t have to sell to hundreds of people. You just have to find that one client that has a problem that you can help them with.

Since it’s individual work, you will be able to charge a higher price point as well, which means you’ll be able to quit your day job and grow your business quicker and faster when you’re doing one-on-one services. 

You learn so much from providing the service and working with one person. You will learn the questions that your ideal clients have, the roadblocks that they have, the challenges that they have, their goals and dreams, and where they want to go.

Service is a great way to get started, to learn your market, and start growing your business.

#3: Subscription Model

The reason I love the subscription model is that people pay you on an ongoing basis every single month, every quarter or every year.

When you have recurring revenue coming in, it’s a lot easier to quit your day job. 

A subscription or a membership site is where you provide a deliverable or a service on an ongoing basis and people pay you month after month for that deliverable or that service.

I have a subscription right now. I have a membership site. My members pay me on an ongoing basis for my services, for my deliverables every single month. Because of that, I have recurring revenue that decreases a lot of the stress and the overwhelm of big launches in my business. That’s why I love this model.

It’s not the easiest place to start so I probably wouldn’t choose the subscription model as your first place to start.

Since I got really clear on my services and my publishing models, those were the first two models that I started within my business. Then, it was a lot easier to add that subscription model into my business.

#4: Physical Product

The fourth type of business opportunity that you can start right today is a physical product. 

It could be a mug, it could be a planner like we sell physical planners in our business. These are great opportunities for freedom and flexibility because you don’t even actually have to be the one to sell to physically pack the planners and bring them to the post office.

I sell planners in my business, but I do not print them.  I do not ship them myself. I do not have to go to the post office. And this is something you can do too. 

You can create a website to sell products and services and you can also sell other people’s products and services but you’re not in charge of the fulfillment of that product. You can combine this with the other business models and this is how you get multiple streams of revenue.

#5: Advertising

The fifth and final business model for more freedom and flexibility is advertising. This is big right now.

You can…

  • Put an advertisement on your blog posts called a sponsored post.
  • Post an Instagram post that is sponsored by a brand.
  • Publish a podcast episode where you’re interviewing someone and that person is paying you to publish that post. 

There are so many ways that you can use advertising. Once you start to build up your audience and your platform, other people will pay you to get in front of that audience.

So this is another one that can be combined with the other four models that we mentioned.  As you keep growing, you can start to build in more streams of income.

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Right now, I have all these different models in my business. Multiple streams are coming into my business, all of these five different ways.

Just remember, start with one. Pick one of these business models and you will start having more freedom, more flexibility, and more fun in no time. You’ll be able to quit that day job, grow your business, and do what you love every single day.



Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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