10 Best Podcast Episodes of 2016 at Classy Career Girl
2016 was a big podcasting year for us!! We brought the podcast back in June-16 and since then have published weekly episodes. Previously, we took a 2-year break and in June after listening to a Gary Vaynerchuk video about how content creators are not producing enough content (guilty!) I dove back in. I had been hearing so much from other coaches that I needed to start delegating more so I had taken a step away from content creation. Then, I decided to stop listening to other coach’s advice and do what felt right instead.
I start doing more of what I love, creating content! We’ve published a weekly show since June and have some exciting things planned for the podcast now in 2017. Our downloads have quadrupled and I think this was a great decision since now more people can listen during their commutes! Now, we are ready to make our weekly show the best podcast for women out there.
As I write this post today, we’ve had 88,541 downloads on iTunes!!! Thank you to all who listen to the Classy Career Girl podcast and we can’t wait to kick it up a notch in 2017! 🙂
Make sure you are subscribed on iTunes! Subscribe on iTunes here on this link. Here are the best podcast episodes in 2016 that received the most downloads in iTunes.

10 Best Podcast Episodes of 2016 at Classy Career Girl

1. CCG 55: 6 Success Secrets For Personal Growth

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If you want to be successful in your career, I have a little-known secret for you. It’s not what you do to get ahead, it’s how you think. Through my years of helping women find careers they love and succeed, I have seen many clients really close to getting their careers unstuck BUT they all have one thing holding them back, their mindset. You can’t get your career unstuck if you are not in the right mindset to get your career unstuck. If you take all the actions but don’t work on your mindset, you will not get the success you want.

2. CCG 42: Nail Your Next Phone Interview With Expert Tips From Recruiter and Career Coach, Becky Carlson

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Becky Carlson is a Job Search Success Coach and will give you the tools to give her clients the tools she needs to get hired. She has 15 years of being a Corporate Recruiter and has interviewed thousands of candidates and really knows what it takes to get hired and negotiate the best salary. She now shares her secrets with her clients and she’s going to share her secrets with us today. It’s no woner that this was one of the best podcast episodes of 2016.

3. CCG 43: If I Was Start a Blog Right Now, Here’s What I Would Do First

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We have over 1,500 articles now on CCG. Some written by me and some written by guest contributors. We’ve made mistakes. We’ve had some big wins and of course the whole blogging world has changed a lot over the last few years. Most importantly though, I am going to share with you today, what I would do if I started all over again. From what platform I would use, to how often I would blog if I was starting all over again and even to the plugins I would use to manage it all.

4. CCG 47: How to Find a Job That You Won’t Hate

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This made the top of the best podcast episodes because I shared with you a topic that I have been teaching for six years. It’s something I am completely passionate about and if you do not know exactly what your dream job is yet, you have to listen all the way through.
I am going to dive into how to figure out your calling, the three most important things that lead to career satisfaction and then I’ll finish it off with my 7 step Love Your Career Formula that has helped hundreds of women determine what they want to be when they grow up and then get that job offer in their dream job. It’s tested. It’s proven and this little podcast today could really change your life and the direction that you go next in your career. Yes, it’s that important! I told you that I was passionate about this topic!

5. CCG 48: How to Think Like a Successful Woman

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Wow! Are you ready for this one? This interview I did with Dr. Valerie Young, author of The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women, was from all the way back in 2013! I looked at my podcast list and I never shared it with you! Oops! I blame pregnancy brain. So I know that was a long time ago but I can’t even tell you how many times I went back to this interview because the content was truly life-changing for where my career took me after 2013. Today we are talking about the impostor syndrome.

6. CCG 57: Passion and Purpose Q&A

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I asked the women in the challenge to share the #1 thing they are hoping to get clarity on this week in our Fall in Love With Your Work and Life Challenge? Here are some of the responses. Can you relate? If so, you aren’t crazy and you aren’t alone.
Rachel: What do I want to do?
Ashley: What my calling is and how to really figure out what I’m meant to do.
Brittany: What I really want to do as a career.
Jill: Finding the career right for me and chasing after it.
To answer these questions, we need to dive into the 5 things that can help you find your passion. Ready?

7. CCG 58: From Stuck To Jumping Out of Bed Q&A

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Today we are diving into our second day of the Fall in Love With Your Work and Life challenge. I had a ton of great questions that came in about how to figure out what step to take first when you are making a career transition. This podcast today shares exactly what you need to do that will make all the difference in creating amazing results for your career success.

8. CCG 66: Daily Habits of Highly Successful People

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You aren’t going to find your dream career if you are feeling like there is not enough time in the day. In order to be able to master your next career transition, you have to be able to master your life right now. That’s what today’s podcast is all about. Let’s dive into the daily habits of highly successful people!
First, we will help you master your time and productivity so your calendar and to-do list actually make you happy, not stressed. Then, we will dive into some mandatory self-care strategies and ensure that you feeling in control of your life and career.
Personally, I think this is one of my best podcast episodes ever.

9. CCG 65: How to Go From Employee to Entrepreneur Successfully

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If you want to have a business that impacts and changes the world and where you are living your dream life, did you know that there are five phases that you have to go through to successfully reach your goal? In my work in our Corporate Rescue Plan for years following the lives of women going from employee to entrepreneur, I have pinpointed five specific phases with milestones that need to be completed in each phase. If you miss one of these phases, it’s going to take you week, months even years longer to figure this out and cause you a lot of stress.

10. CCG 54: Women in Transition: How to Reinvent Yourself

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Have you ever wanted to reinvent yourself and start all over? I know when I was back in my corporate days and feeling totally stuck, I wanted a brand new life and I needed to stop thinking some things that were holding me back. I was also going through some personal issues at the time and the prospect of reinventing myself was something I needed like yesterday. But the truth is reinventing yourself and transitioning your life and career does not happen overnight. It’s tough and that’s why I wanted to make sure I got this interview I did with Linda Rossetti, author of Women and Transition on the podcast today.
What do you want to see more of on the podcast in 2017? We’d love to know!
Also, if you enjoy the Classy Career Girl Podcast, please leave us a review! Thanks!

Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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