How many minutes do you spend commuting to and from work each day? According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average commute is 26 minutes each way. That’s nearly an hour round-trip! And of course, if you’re like my friends in Los Angeles, you’re lucky if your commute...

Emily Liou
Emily Liou is the founder of CultiVitae, a career blog where she inspires and guides professionals seeking career transitions through her blogs, ecourses, and career coaching programs. She has interviewed thousands of job seekers and has guided hundreds of job seekers to land their dream jobs. Sign up for her weekly newsletter where she dishes out personal and professional development hacks... plus get access to her free career resource library!

Emily Liou
Emily Liou is the founder of CultiVitae, a career blog where she inspires and guides professionals seeking career transitions through her blogs, ecourses, and career coaching programs. She has interviewed thousands of job seekers and has guided hundreds of job seekers to land their dream jobs. Sign up for her weekly newsletter where she dishes out personal and professional development hacks... plus get access to her free career resource library!
Posts by Emily