A Happy Workplace: Office Etiquette to Remember
Since we spend the majority of our day in the workplace, a happy workplace is very important.  Today, Stacey Cavalari, a journalist and writer is going to give us tips on office etiquette that can help us create a happy workplace.   
Having to spend your day at work surrounded by the same group of people can build great lasting friendships, it can drive you nuts, or somewhere in between. It all depends on the type of environment you and your co-workers create together.

Here are a few easy tip to create a happy workplace.

Personal Space 

If you watched TV in the mid-nineties, you probably remember Seinfeld’s “close talker” episode. Pretty much the ‘close-talker’ has no concept of personal space, and is literally six inches from your face.  While your co-workers may not be that bad, having someone impinge on your space is never fun. If you have to share a cubicle or a desk make sure you both agree to a delineation of the shared space. If you’re concerned about your private property, invest in a small lock to keep on one of your drawers.

[Related Post: Office Etiquette: 4 Ways to Handle a Mean Co-Worker]


Somewhere along the way we as a culture have lost our manners. Common courtesy for your fellow human beings doesn’t take much effort and can have amazing results. Small things like keeping the elevator for a running colleague, to holding the door open when they’ve got their hands full can make all the difference. Be considerate, but not a doormat. Being kind doesn’t mean you have to be walked all over and taken advantage of.

Consideration, Part II

Throw your garbage in the trash. Most offices have an employee lounge area for lunch. Don’t make a big mess of the space and expect someone else to clean it up for you. If you are having a microwave meal for lunch and it explodes in the microwave, take the time to clean it up. It’s unacceptable to treat your peers as your maids. Unless you want to pay them for their services, make sure you straighten up.


To expect an office environment to be completely quiet is unrealistic. That being said, no one voice should stand out above the general din of office murmurs (unless of course, it’s the bosses). No one wants to hear all about someone else’s drama, especially if it’s in the form of an overheard phone call. Do yourself and everyone else around you a favor and keep the personal calls to a minimum and an appropriate decibel level.
Work doesn’t have to be a place you hate. By following the tips in this article you can make it a place you don’t mind spending your day at, maybe even turning it into a place that you actually like.

Readers, how do you create a happy workplace?

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