Guess what! I am interviewing Marcy Twete on Monday! Marcy is the Founder of The Career Girl Network and author of You Know Everybody!: A Career Girl’s Guide to Building a Network That Works.
Marcy recognizes that to achieve success in business, women must have a network that connects them regularly to both key people and opportunities that will help them succeed in business and in life. In today’s business world, networking has become a four letter word. Even some of the biggest names in business admit to being nervous about networking.
Our interview with Marcy will debunk the common myths of networking for women and guide readers step by step through the process they’ll need to strategically build a network. We’ll remove fear from the equation and give you the tools to network with power and confidence. From perfecting your pitch to insider methods of following up and new innovative networking strategies.
Make sure you mark your calendar for Monday, October 14th at 7pm EST so that you can learn how to build a network that works! Click here to join The Get Ahead Club and we will email you all the call in details. You will also get access to the private Facebook group and access to the previous calls and ebooks as well!
Talk to you live on Monday!