2 Trends in Business and Entrepreneurship
There are two trends you need to know about right now. 

2 Trends in Business and Entrepreneurship

The first trend is the global impact that you and your business can make. Your business can have clients around the world and reach and help millions of people. Today as an entrepreneur there are no barriers. You don’t have to have thousands of dollars to spend on advertising. You can start with $5 and reach your target market with one click online. I live in San Diego but my very first sale came from someone in the United Kingdom.   
The second trend is that women desire and can have more freedom than ever before. The US is the only country to not offer paid maternity leave and this makes things difficult right now if you are a mother or are thinking of becoming one, right? If you are like me, you want to build your career on your own terms with the freedom and lifestyle you desire. We want freedom to be creative and to collaborate and make a difference on the projects we are so passionate about. Whether that is at 7pm at night after the kids are in bed or early morning before they wake up.
What do you think of these trends in business? 

Freedom is Real

Freedom is real and it’s a big change in the online space because you can work from your laptop anywhere you want. I’ve worked from Brazil, a car, an airplane, a closet, a laundry room and even in a coffee shop from Australia with a 6 month-old on my lap. When Corporate Rescue Plan launched, I recorded the launch video in a koala sanctuary in Australia while holding my daughter. If that’s not life on my own terms, I don’t know what is.  
And you can make small steps on the side of your day job like I did. I worked as a Corporate Consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton for 8 years. I know how little time I had to build my dream. But guess what, I had 15 minutes here and there and I used that time to grow my little business into the internationally recognized e-learning platform that it is today.
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You are not too young or too old to start a business. Your company doesn’t have to know you have clients during the nights or weekends. You can start a business with an alias and not your real name. Why do you think my business grew under the brand of Classy Career Girl. I was completely anonymous when I started until my boss came to work one day and told me she spotted me in People Stylewatch magazine. Oops! 

Here is what is possible:

You can make as much or more as your income right now and you can build it up so that when you do make the leap, you aren’t stressed wondering how you will pay your bills.  
You can make more money building your own business and be in charge of your own raises. You can start building your own goals instead of working on someone else’s goals every day when you go to your day job. You don’t have to wait for your boss’s approval to make a change. 
You don’t need a ton of money to get started and you have these two trends of global impact and freedom opening up the opportunities for you. Now I’m sure you’ll agree, trying to start a successful business that matches your purpose and makes a difference, isn’t always as simple as people sometimes make it seem.   

The Bad News

Here’s the thing.  Entrepreneurship is HARD, right? And it’s so easy to get distracted by the pretty photos on Facebook where it looks like entrepreneurs fly to Paris last minute, drink champagne in Italy and live a luxurious laptop lifestyle from the beach. They make it look so easy so why is it so hard for us!  
I am often hustling in my bedroom in a messy house with my daughter running around and dishes piled in the sink. So, I decided to create a movement around the REAL experiences of starting a business. The truth is, entrepreneurship comes with a lot of challenges.  
You probably have heard that if you go the entrepreneur route you will you never find benefits or live without the security of a paycheck and how the heck will you have enough money to support your family. 
I get it. My husband and I quit our jobs within three months of each other and we had a 6-month-old daughter. We had to make the leap and figure all this stuff out too. Then, of course, the fears of what will people think! Some family members were not in support of both of us quitting our jobs. They said, How can you do this. What if the internet breaks! One of my regrets is that I didn’t have a solid business plan that I could show him when I quit. I mean it was in my head and I knew I was going to succeed, but a business plan to show him would have been helpful which is what I’ll teach you in this free video series.

The Freedom Workshop

So what are your first steps to creating your plan. Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. In the first video, I’m going to share a system to help you figure out if your business idea will be profitable. This “Build a Profitable Business” Assessment I developed after years of trial and error, throughout business school and while launching hundreds of products and services myself as well as over the last seven years using it with my clients. This system will serve as a tremendous resource for you to eliminate your fear of failure and wasted time so that you can sell the RIGHT products and services successfully. Because let’s face it, us entrepreneurs have a ton of ideas and we always have bright shiny object syndrome, right?  

Who is it for?

Maybe you’re just thinking about becoming your own boss or maybe you’re already a business owner but you want to increase your profits or utilize more online marketing tools to expand your reach and income. Either way, you’re in the right place because after video #1 you’ll know if you have a profitable business idea or not and what steps to take next.   
Plus, later on in my free training series, I am going to walk you through the things you need to know to build a successful business with limited time. And do it in a way that doesn’t create overwhelm and stress you out.  And, most importantly, it gives you the lifestyle you want.  Regardless of if you are just starting out or you already have a business but it just isn’t getting the growth that you want it to have and you know you need a change. This training series will set you up for tremendous success. In the final video I’m going to demystify the process of starting a business which is going to save you a lot of time, a lot of money and a lot of frustration. 

Why I Created the Freedom Workshop

I developed this framework for building a business on the side of your day job because I saw so many women who wanted to be their own boss, work from home and turn their passion into a paycheck. They had so much talent and skill and I knew they could help millions of women with their businesses, I could envision it, but they were getting completely sidetracked and scared so they just did nothing and stayed in their jobs. 
For example, I saw women who wanted to start a business who were treating it more like a fun hobby, they were trying to grow their social media accounts and get a bunch of followers online before they knew who their ideal clients were, what those clients actually wanted and what they were even going to sell. Not only that but they didn’t know what business they should even start. The worst part was that they didn’t believe in themselves and their business idea and were scared to put themselves out there. They got a few clients here and there but nothing that could ever support them full-time.   
Then I saw women who already had businesses trying to get more steady streams of cash on a monthly basis struggling because they didn’t have a profitable business model in place and they were scared to make a change even though their business didn’t fit their passions and desires anymore. And not only that it’s stressful when you run a business that sucks up all your time. These women started a business to have more time with their families but now had to run the business so they had little time with their families.   
I could go on, but I knew that people needed clarity – because in full transparency, that  was my story too.  Sign-up now (it’s FREE!)

Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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