Yesterday we learned all about the tools we need to stay in the game in the post Surviving the Networking Frenzy Part 1. Today Victoria Reitano is going to share with us how we can use these applications to stay organized and sane!  Victoria Reitano is a speaker, multimedia journalist and social media addict who currently covers technology news for a trade magazine and freelances on the side. You can follow her musings on her blog, The Giornalista Files ( and follow her everyday activities on her Twitter (@giornalista515).
Surviving the Networking Frenzy: How To Stay Connected and Sane (Part 2)
So, now that you know what applications to use to stay connected, organized and sane, it’s time to delve into how you actually use them to stay in that state.
- Believe in the Power of Om…or Quiet, However You Find it: As I said in my blog post, Yoga settles me and helps me stay focused on and off the mat. Yoga has made me better able to stay connected because it is a workout that completely empties my mind and allows there to be space for new information. Take at least 20 minutes a day to find quiet. Now, your definition of quiet may not be yoga, in fact, it may not be quiet at all. It could be sitting in front of the TV, running laps around your block or filling in a crossword puzzle — it is whatever allows your brain to empty and allows you to feel emotionally refreshed.
- Maximize Your ‘Down’ Time: Now, this may sound contradictory, but there are plenty of times in your day when you’re “down,” without focusing on being quiet and rested. Think about it — do you commute? Do you do cardio at the gym? Walk your dog? Have to wait for a weekly appointment? Any and all of these times are considered down times when you’re waiting, instead of down times when you’re searching for quiet. I use my morning cardio session to check over emails, review Twitter and read the NYTimes — spending 45 minutes in the morning at the gym feels a bit luxurious to me (because I do at least an hour of yoga each evening), so I compensate by doing something while I’m doing my cardio. It not only leaves me feeling healthy, but also puts me in a good mindset to start the day.
- Write it down:Â Keep notepads EVERYWHERE. Even if you aren’t a writer, having a fresh piece of paper and a pen nearby at all times may spark an idea or to-do item that you would ordinarily forget. You can also place notes around your apartment if you need to remember, or be reminded of, something.
 Readers, we want to hear from you! How do you stay organized, connected and sane?