5 Terrible Reasons To Start Your Own Business
Becoming an entrepreneur seems pretty cool these days, right? All of those Instagram photos of entrepreneurs living the work from wherever lifestyle at fancy dinners and nice hotels. But, becoming an entrepreneur so you can take pictures like these is probably not the best reason to start your own business.
The truth is, becoming an entrepreneur is NOT for everyone. There are some things you want to be aware of before you make the leap.

5 Terrible Reasons To Start Your Own Business

 1. You hate your boss.

Yes, it is time for a career change. Change companies. Change bosses. Change industries but this doesn’t mean you should be the boss.
It’s hard to be the boss! It’s hard to manage yourself and to manage others at the same time. There’s a new level of personal development you need to study and you need to become the leader. If you are not ready to work on yourself and become an even better person, you should not start your own business.

2. You think your salary is too low.

Get a raise! You can. This isn’t impossible. Ask for a raise or change jobs or companies. Don’t start your own business for a pay raise because the truth is, it might take you a little while to even make what you are making now in a new business. Of course, there is a large potential you could make in the future, but starting your own business is NOT about the money (see #5).

3. You lack passion for your current job.

Not being passionate doesn’t always mean you should start a business. This may just be a sign you need to evaluate your interests, motivations and your calling to determine the best career fit for you. It means you are not in a career that fits you and you need to figure out what that is. But, starting a business is a pretty hard way to identify your calling.  Maybe you should read this post first: 5 Ways to Find Your Calling.

4. You want to work less hours.

I work all hours of the day ramping up my business and putting everything into it and I have been doing this for years. To start a business, you aren’t going to work less hours. Maybe 10-15 years from now when you have it all figured out you can decrease your hours but not when you are just starting. It’s all about the hustle. If you work harder than anyone else, your business will thrive and survive.

5. You want to make a million dollars

This one drives me nuts. The noisy online world right now is filled with entrepreneurs sharing how much they made last month, last year and today and (of course) how you can do it too! In my recent post about the nine things wrong with online business right now and how to rise above, I shared that myself and many of my clients are actually NOT in it for the money. We are in it to help people so flaunting how much you make is doing nothing but making us super annoyed with you.
If you think starting your own business will help you make a million bucks, I challenge you to think instead about helping a million people. How can you change a million people’s lives?
That’s our mission at CCG.


Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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