Social Media Content Planning Tutorial
Wondering how we plan out our social media content at Classy Career Girl? Today’s podcast shares all of the details!
Stop the social media stress and put a plan in place. Today’s training call with Anna Runyan and Aida Diaz will help you get clear on how to organize your social media plan and what social media platform you should focus on first.
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Social Media Content Planning Tutorial

How Anna Plans Out Her Social Media Content:

1. Create an inspiration board. Make branding and planning important. Visual is very important for your brand. This isn’t a last minute thing you don’t have time for. This can be fun and attract clients to you.
2. Set up photo shoots. Grab some office supplies at Target and start shooting with your iphone or use free photo sites such as or
3. Identify your theme and your brand.
4. Setup templates. Batch a ton of content at once. You can use,, Adobe spark or Wordswag all for free.
5. Have a system. This is my system:
-Start on Instagram – > Share to Facebook 3-5 times per day
-Start with a FB Live – > Share video to YouTube – > Create a Blog posts -> Share audio on the podcast
-Use to share blog articles throughout the day (takes a sec)
-Repinning on Pinterest to group boards multiple times per day (This is where most of our traffic comes from).
Dedicate certain times of the day to monitor and post to social media.


We use ViralTag because it has Pinterest and Instagram scheduling options.
Also check out, (instagram), and
When I am really organized (not always): I schedule one day when I schedule everything for an entire week (blog content, social media content, podcast, video, etc.)
Once you have a library built up in dropbox, it’s easy to recycle and make quick posts throughout the day.

Facebook Groups:

Have themes for your social media content in Facebook groups each day of the week.
Know what’s a priority. You can’t be everywhere.

How Aida plans her social media content:

Aida plans out her week every Saturday morning and creates the content for the week. She then has 4 days a week where she is focused on batching and interacting with her followers. Aida uses to schedule.

Virtual Assistants:
What are some of the task you delegate to your virtual assistant? 

Interns and VA’s can do the following:
Instagram commenting and liking. Networking on social media for you. Scheduling and creating images. Answering emails. Graphic design. Creating workbooks. Video editing. Publishing guest articles. Optin pages. Sales pages. Write blogs. Transcripts. Logos. Podcasts

Reach and Engagement

I’d love to know the “secret” that helps our posts reach a wider audience. You know those fields below the post, such as SEO, keyword, snippet?

There’s no secret. Post great stuff your audience likes. Do photos, videos, text, questions, quotes, quote photos, personal photos, jokes, puppies, and cats. Keep testing. You want someone to like it because if more people like it or comment, more people will see it. That’s it.
The SEO keyword and snippet under Facebook in my book isn’t going to do much. It’s DO and test and analyze and repeat what is working. Pictures for me work the best.
[RELATED: How To Increase Your Facebook Engagement]

Increase followers?

How to increase instragram followers / using hashtags in posts?

It’s a network and you have to treat it like a networking event. If you want to grow on Instagram you HAVE to spend a lot of time on Instagram commenting and liking other photos. Host Giveaways. Tag a friend. Partner with brands to give away products your market would love.
Commenting and liking. 3 likes and 1 comment. Repeat this over and over if you want to grow and make sure you leave well-crafted comments this will make you stand out since there are a lot of automated BAD comments these days.
The more you post with hashtags, the more likes and followers will see it.
Register for Instagram for business so you can see analytics.
Always use at least 10-15 hashtags. Keep a place on your phone notepad.
Keep a library of photos. Recycle posts and text.
VERY BEST: Post 3-5 times a day if you are serious about growing. 1-2 times is fine if you are just getting started.
Take blog posts and turn them into quote cards. Batch a ton of content at once. This doesn’t have to be difficult.

LinkedIn and Twitter

Tips on using LinkedIn and Twitter effectively.

LinkedIn: Join groups and start adding value and connecting and messaging others in the group you share similarities with. Let them take a survey. Definitely publish articles. Connect with local people to invite for events or free strategy sessions. I always ask people how their career is going when they connect with me. This has turned into partnerships and new clients.
Twitter: Push content out. Network. Engage with others. Find hashtags and search people out that you can help and interact and be helpful with them. Easily share what I post on Twitter with

Creating Images

I need help with creating enough pictures to share on my Instagram. 

I recommend that you create a library. Batching is key for you. Maybe mix in some office or makeup, drinks or closet photos to go with the fashion so not always you. We have sessions where we batch a ton of photo shooting and I recycle them for months. You can repost old content too. You probably have a lot right now that you can repost. Key is to make it easy. Use or to create a library of posts. You have to be able to do it like in 1 minute. Here and there. and remind you.
Timing: When is your target market relaxing and looking at their phone? Early morning and late evening works best for us. 7am EST and 7pm EST. Our interns have found that our followers are most active in late afternoon and evening. Check out analytics in your Instagram for business account.

Profile Photos

Do you recommend using a personal photo or logo for the Pinterest profile?

I recommend a personal photo since you are offering personal services. I am trying to build a brand around Classy Career Girl and make it bigger than even me so I am not currently offering personal services and branding myself. I am not currently selling me but I was when I started! Currently, I am creating a Nike or The Honest Company or a Kate Spade. Make sense? If I was building my personal brand, there is nothing wrong with that. That would be building a Tony Robbins, Brene Brown, Gabby Bernstein or Jessica Simpson. I think this is what you should think about when deciding whether to post a personal photo or a logo.


Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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