How We Plan and Create Content at Classy Career Girl Part 2

Today’s post is Part 2 in a series about how we plan and create content here at Classy Career Girl. We have been creating and publishing content consistently for the past almost 9 years, so I really wanted to share what is working for us! Read Part 1 here if you haven’t!

Secret Weapon: Batching Content

This has been a total game changer for me. Batching is when you sit down and do similar work all at once. The book Deep Work really changed how I spend my time. Batching work helps me stay focused and get more done in less time. It really will change your life!

Here is the thing: content creation isn’t always going to make you money, at least not in the short term. You have a lot of work to do and creating content is important, as it helps you build trust and relationships with your audience. But it isn’t going to make you sales, at least not right away.

Protect Your Time By Working More Effectively

So you, need to protect your revenue-generating time, whether that is your day job or other work for your business. Batching work helps you do this more effectively. Choose just one of the steps below and see how much easier it is to publish better quality content more consistently.

  • Give yourself one hour to schedule out all your social media posts for the week. Just one hour! The point here is to limit your time so you work more efficiently.
  • Spend just two hours writing blog posts, then schedule them. Don’t worry about if they are perfect, just make sure they are valuable and get them scheduled.
  • Spend an hour writing down all the topics you want to cover in the next six weeks. Get them plugged into your editorial calendar and write an outline if you have time.
  • Answer emails at one specific time a day. Don’t keep going back to your inbox, it will just distract you!
  • Block off 4 hours to record videos for a whole month. They can be short, that is okay. Just get them done and you will feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders.

Anna making content

Start Slow ­­

If you are getting overwhelmed by all the details, take a deep breath. You have to start somewhere. Even one Instagram post a week will get you started towards building your dream business.

If you have half an hour, you can sit down and schedule one Instagram post a week for the next month. Just half an hour and you’ve taken one baby step towards your dream.

Related Post: How to Create an Instagram Schedule Plan 

Don’t feel like you need to do what everyone else is doing. I spent way too long feeling like I had to do certain things to succeed. In reality? Things grew when I stopped listening to other people and started doing what works for me.

So, commit to taking that first baby step. Maybe that is writing one blog post a month, or scheduling one Instagram post a week. That is okay. A baby step will get you closer to your goal, not doing anything at all leaves you stuck.

Avoid Perfectionism

I used to drive myself crazy trying to make sure everything was perfect before I’d turn in work to a client or launch a new project. I didn’t realize that being perfect can actually be a negative. It can hold you back, feed self-doubt, and keep you stuck.

You only get better if you practice. And not everything is going to be perfect, and that is okay. If you wait to publish a post until it is perfect, you might never publish it! You can help people, but you can’t do that if you never hit publish.

If being perfect is holding you back, give yourself permission to be terrible. You will never get good at something if you don’t give yourself permission to e terrible. It is a process. Honestly, when I look back at my content from five or six years ago, I can see how imperfect it was. But I got it out there, and over time I got better.

How to Break Out of the Need-To-Be-Perfect Trap

  1. Set a hard deadline for your task. Maybe that is two hours for a blog post or 30 minutes for social media posts. Setting a deadline will motivate you and keep you focused.
  2. Set realistic expectations and goals for yourself. No, you aren’t going to be able to write a 5,000-word ebook in 30 minutes. But, you can write one blog post in an hour or two. And, if you need to adjust, that is okay!
  3. Hit publish. If you wait until your post is ‘perfect’ you will never publish it. There is always going to be a sentence you could tweak or a story you can add. Let your content out in the world where it can do good. Don’t keep it trapped because you think it isn’t perfect.

Stop Make Excuses; Start Doing

It is easy to get stuck in your mind, to start over thinking it, to feel like there is just too much to do. The secret to creating content consistently is really simple. You have to get started and just keep doing it.

I know that probably sounds a bit silly. It is so easy to make up excuses in our heads, to tell ourselves we aren’t good enough or that no one will read our content. Will that happen? Maybe.

But what if it works?

What if you are able to help just one person? What if you can build the most amazing business, the most amazing life? It could be even more amazing than you can imagine.

Stop making excuses. Stop trying to be perfect. Stop telling yourself you don’t have time. Get started. Today. Even if it is just spending 15 minutes outlining a blog post or creating your editorial calendar for the week.

Then, share your progress on Instagram with @classycareergirl! I will be there to cheer you on!

Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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