Before you jump into your next job, do yourself a favor and get to know yourself a little better. There are many personality assessments out there and benefits to taking different ones. Knowing your personality type is important for your career success so you can determine what the best career is for you.
10 Best Personality Assessments For Your Career
MBTI (Myers Briggs)
One of my favorites is the MBTI (Myers-Briggs). I took it in my first job out of college and realized I am an introvert and that was why I felt so different around my co-workers. MBTI is an introspective self-report questionnaire designed to indicate psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is the most popular personality assessment tool.
StrengthsFinder assessment is very helpful in identifying the areas where you have the greatest potential for building strength and how to use those strengths. It’s important to focus on y our strengths in your career rather than trying to improve your weaknesses. You’ll be more energized and fulfilled if you are working in your strengths which is why this is one of my favorite personality assessments. Â This is a must for all job searchers and entrepreneurs.
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Enneagram Test
The enneagram is a profound and powerful guide to understanding your personality and inner workings. The Enneagram is a personality typing system that consists of nine different types. Everyone is considered to be one single type, although one can have traits belonging to other ones.
Insights Discovery
Insights Discovery begins by helping you to uncover who you are and how you interact with others. Every Discovery Personal Profile provides information on an individual’s strengths and weaknesses, communications style, and their value to a team. It uses a simple and accessible four color model to understand an individual’s unique preferences. Then you can measure these preferences based on responses to a short online evaluator.
Values in Action (VIA) Survey
The VIA Survey of Character Strengths is a simple self-assessment that takes less than 15 minutes and provides a wealth of information to help you understand your core characteristics. It focuses on your best qualities and you’ll be able to discover your strengths and values when you are finished.
DISC Personality Testing
DISC Personality Profile Assessment is based on answers to the 12 short questions. It’s fast and it’s free.  You can probably finish it in less than 10 minutes. You can use the results to gain insights to better understand why you communicate the way you do and how you can communicate with others more effectively.
Social Styles
Since Social Styles is a behavioral style model, it has been used by thousands of organizations to improve leadership performance and sales results.  It is powerful because it’s easy to understand and easy to apply with others. It will make your relationships more effective.
16 personalities will help you learn a lot about yourself particularly the effects of your personality on forming and maintaining relationships.
5 Love Languages
You can take the 5 Love Languages official assessment to discover your love language and begin improving your relationships. It will explain your primary love language, what it means, and how you can use it to connect to others.
123 Test DISC personality test