30 Networking Ideas That Could Change Your Life
I have a little challenge for you today! And I think you can handle it. Today’s episode is a little different. I decided to read one of my top blog posts from Classy Career Girl.com to you today on my 30-day networking plan challenge that I highly recommend. It could seriously change your life. Now the thing is that this challenge is meant to do in 30 days. One task each day. So today I just want you to listen to the entire challenge and each day’s activities. Then, I want you to go to the blog, find this blog post and actually do each task every single day. I know you can do it and I also know there is are so many opportunities waiting for you if you just step outside your comfort zone and do it. I’m cheering you on!

30 Networking Ideas That Could Change Your Life

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Most people don’t have a networking plan, even though part of the difficulty with networking is that it can get pushed off your priority list if you don’t make time for it.
That is why we recommend you put together a networking plan, so you know what you need to do every day to reach your networking and career goals – whether that is finding your dream job or getting that dream promotion.

Here are 30 Effective Networking Ideas:

1) Write down your goals.
2) Create a networking action plan.
3) Tell someone.
4) Find people for informational interviews.
5) Block off time in your calendar each week to network.
6) Make a list of people you have lost touch with.
7) Make a 2X2 list (or a 4X4 list if you are very determined!) and contact these people.
8) Do research on the people you don’t know.
9) Write out the questions you will ask during the informational interviews.
10) Review your interview outfits.
11) Research professional organizations and sign up for one this month.
12) Go out to lunch with a co-worker, classmate, or friend you don’t know very well.
13) Call a family member you haven’t spoken to in awhile.
14) Follow companies you are interested in on LinkedIn and see how you are connected with employees.
15) Update your LinkedIn page and ask for recommendations.
16) Write in your journal about what you have learned so far.
17) Go back to your college and find alumni contacts.
18) Try a new social activity.
19) Plan ahead for your 4 X 4 for next month.
20) Check back in with the person who is holding you accountable and review your goals.
21) Make a master list of all of your contacts.
22) Send thank you letters. Follow up with everyone that you have met so far and thanked them.
23) Let your friends and family know your goals.
24) Ask to have a meeting with your boss.
25) Review your resume and make changes based on conversations you have had this month.
26) Stay in touch with LinkedIn.
27) Go to the library or bookstore and buy a book about networking.
28) Wake up 15-20 minutes earlier.
29) Create a binder or folder on your computer with all of your networking documents and emails.
30) Write down what you learned this month in your journal and CELEBRATE.

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Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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