My Vision Journal Revealed

If you are bored with life, if you don’t get up every morning with a burning desire to do things – you don’t have enough goals.” -Lou Holtz

This morning, I wanted to share my vision journal with you. I have written about my vision board in the past on the blog, but I have never written about my vision journal.  Vision boards are great but I found that I wasn’t really looking at it and focusing on my goals when I glanced at it in my closet. So last May I created a journal where I did the same thing as a vision board but now take it with me wherever I go. My vision journal is now part of my morning routine and I look at it every morning.

You want to set a goal that is big enough that in the process of achieving it you become someone worth becoming.” -Jim Rohn

Vision Journal Versus Vision Board

The best thing that my journal has, that my vision board does not have, is notecards with written down detailed goals. And here is another secret, instead of saying, “I would like to go to the Olympics” I have written, “I will go to the Olympics in 2024.” Or instead of “I need to go back to school.” You should write, “I need to get a business management degree by May, 2018.”
Putting it as something I am already doing or have done makes me believe that it is possible and helps me get over my mindset roadblocks holding me back. You also really want to be specific so if you want to own a certain house, don’t just say “I want to buy a house.”
Instead make it very specific. What house? Where? How much does it cost? What down payment do you need? What date to you want to own it by? What specific skills and qualifications do you want to get? What is the perfect job for you and how can you get it?
By constantly repeating and visualizing my detailed goals as achieved, it increases my motivation and heightens my awareness of resources that can help me achieve my goals.

I also have reminders in my book that help me focus every day such as:

  • I will prevent stress, I will not manage stress.
  • I will delegate everything that I possibly can.
  • I will say no to opportunities that don’t match my 2014 mission.
  • I am making positive choices about what to do with my money.
  • I will sell 15,000 books in 2014.
  • I am working on my business while traveling the world. I am working in a coffee shop in France with my husband.  (THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS TO FOCUS ON:)
  • I do not waste time online, on social media or anywhere.
  • I enjoy reading at least 2 books per month.
  • My life is organized and systematized.
  • I will pamper myself and treat myself to spa days.
Doing this simple task of reviewing my vision journal every morning really changes my attitude and focus for the rest of the day.

Get Started on Your Vision Journal Today

Here is now to do it:
  • Grab a journal and write a specific goal on each page.
  • Add notecards with reminders and goals that you want to complete and focus on.
  • Find photos and quotes that will help you visualize completing this goal.
  • Review your journal every day and continue to add goals to it.
  • Take several steps in the direction of your goals every day and you will eventually get there!


Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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