Moving Forward When Your Life Falls Apart: August 2016 Monthly Report
Welcome back to our weekly CCG podcast! Every month I share an Action Report on the actions I took that month.
Today is a little bit different. It’s actually an Inaction Report because things don’t always go as planned and I am definitely not Superwoman.
Note: October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month. I really didn’t even realize that when I recorded this podcast. I am also documenting my story on Instagram this month, you can read my story here (instagram.com/annarunyan).
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I think you are going to love this one because it’s 100% authentic and real, so let’s dive in! If you are enjoying our podcast, please leave us a review on iTunes! It would mean the world. Thank you!

Moving Forward When Your Life Falls Apart

Ok, I have been putting this off for awhile. As you may know, every month I hop on a podcast and report my actions for August. Well, August was not the normal month of action and I so want to skip it but I also want to be very real with you. I have heard from many of you that our monthly action reports are your favorite part of this podcast. So I couldn’t just skip a month because I was embarrassed by my lack of action.

Ever had a month you wish you got more done?

I met with a client last week and met her in person for the first time. She said, “You know Anna, what your impression is from the outside? This is what people think of you. You are the most productive woman on the planet. You go-go-go. Get things done. Do this and do that. Wake up at 5am and go!”
It stopped me in my tracks because that is not the impression that I want to report in August. It’s actually the opposite.
Things aren’t perfect. I am not the most productive woman in the world. I am not Superwoman. I can’t do it all. I have my struggles and August is no exception. One thing I have always wanted to be is real. Yes, I run a business. Yes, I am a real person. I get stressed. I get mad.  I have days where I get very emotional and have to cancel everything on my calendar. I am not Superhuman and I get stuck sometimes too.

I bet you have days like this as well?

Most of me wants to keep this very close and not let it out but I have been here before and what helps the most is telling people. getting support and hopefully having it help someone else who is going through the same thing or will one day (unfortunately) be part of this club that you never wanted to be part of.

What’s the club?

Recurrent miscarriages.
Just briefly, my background. I mean it’s not brief at all but I’ll try to be brief. I had 2 miscarriages in 2011 and 2012. In 2013 we tried a round of IVF but it didn’t take. My miracle daughter surprised us naturally arriving in 2014 and I thought we had moved past our tough times. But, unfortunately, I had my third miscarriage this past August and all of the grief I previously had has risen back to the surface. 
And I run a business with my husband. And this podcast is supposed to be my podcast about how much action I took in August.
Instead, I took some time off. Sort of. Here’s the thing because I am in work I love, my work has ALWAYS helped me move past the tough times I have had. My business actually wouldn’t be here today if I had not had tough times. Every comment and person I helps me realize this is my right path that God wants me to be on.
And I know that God has a plan for my life and I’ll be surrounded with my babies when I am in heaven.
Over the last month, I have received a lot of emails from women who are struggling with depression and physical pains wondering how to stay focused on their dreams.
One of my clients even told me that she was having panic attacks from her boss and stressed out and can’t keep doing it.
I get it.
If there is one thing I have learned it is that life is short. Even an unborn baby who never got a chance to be born and take a breath can make a huge dent on your life can change your path.

In August, I focused on turning sour lemons into lemonade.

These wise words came at the perfect timing for me during the This is Us premiere. If you haven’t seen it (honestly I haven’t either, this is just a clip of the show that I saw posted) Remember I don’t have a TV ladies! 🙂
“I like to think because of the child I lost and because of the path that he’s sent me on that I have saved countless other babies. I like to think that maybe one day you’ll be an old man like me talking a younger man’s ear off explaining how you took the sourest lemon that life has to offer and turned it into something resembling lemonade if you do that, you’ll still be taking three babies home from this hospital. maybe not the way you planned.”
So to close this monthly inaction report, I just want to say it’s ok to stop. It’s ok to grieve and get support and take a break sometimes. You don’t have to be Superwoman.
And if you are going through hard times too, know that you are not alone and that you can still reach for your goals and dreams despite everything trying to bring you down. That’s why our community is here because we know that sometimes it feels like the world is conspiring against our dreams and goals. Just take those baby steps and that imperfect action. Even one small step per month will get you closer if that’s all you can put in.
I hope you enjoyed this real look at behind the scenes at building and growing Classy Career Girl while still balancing my personal life. Thanks again for listening and supporting our business. We love what we do and we love helping you.

Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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