10 Ways To Discover What You’re Meant To Do
I remember just a few years ago when I had so much stress and anxiety going to work that my stomach would hurt driving in. I would just sit in the car until the last possible minute. I couldn’t relax or enjoy the weekends because I dreaded Monday morning. Sunday blues literally hit as soon as I woke up on Sunday and then the whole day I was just so stressed. I was stuck, unhealthy, overweight, and depressed. My husband and I were underwater on our mortgage and $80,000 in debt and our relationship was not the happiest as I was very moody after work every day.
It wasn’t easy but I had to dig myself out and find what I was meant to be doing. This didn’t happen overnight. Six years now of baby steps, figuring things out, late nights, early mornings, tears, screams of excitement, and then, of course, resignation letters until I finally figured out what I am meant to do.
Today, it’s written this post. Enjoy! 🙂

10 Things To Do Today To Find What You’re Meant To Do

1. Don’t Worry About Other People.

I knew I had to start making the right choices for ME, not my boss or my clients. I finally did what made me happy and let what other people wanted me to do go. A week after my rock bottom of a very devastating personal experience after multiple pregnancy losses and being stuck for years in a job I hated, I hired a coach and got into a community of ambitious women who were rockin’ it in their careers and doing amazing things that I wanted to do someday too.

2. Find Go-Getters To Hang With

That was my life-changing decision.  Not to dwell in negativity and impossibility any longer but to make a change and surround myself with positive go-getters who believed that ANYTHING was possible. And that is exactly why I have created this community of ambitious women who are on fire to live their dreams too.  I saw how much potential millions of women have around the world that was unused because they just needed that extra support and positive environment. So many women just like you need someone telling them that THEY CAN DO IT and cheering them on saying that they can and WILL be a success and to believe in them that they really can launch their dream careers and businesses just like I have.

3. Healthy Means Happy

Fast forward to today, I am happier, healthier, and less stressed. I want to work hard because I lose track of time when I am working. Work doesn’t feel like work. I jump out of bed sometimes at 4am to do my work. I am a happier wife and mother. My miracle baby came into this world naturally and healthy when I started taking care of myself and making decisions that made me happy and fulfilled like going towards my dream career. She finally had a place to thrive because I was healthy and happy.

4. Be Your Best Self 

My life has purpose and meaning and I am making an impact. I am excited to explain my job to others and I have found work I love which transfers into all other areas of my life as well.  Nothing can compare to the happiness and excitement of walking out the doors for maternity leave knowing that I was about to bring a baby girl into this world and live my dream life of focusing on my business 100% full time.

5. Make a Big, Scary Leap

Just 3 months after my daughter was born, I launched my new program, Love Your Career Formula, which set the stage for my business and allowed my husband to follow me just a few months after to quit his job as well.  We have the freedom and flexibility that we both desired to travel the world with family work trips to Australia and Brazil last year where I got to speak to 800 women. Once you go in the direction of your dreams, so many opportunities and doors will start opening for you. You just have to start taking baby steps and imperfect action.

6. Make a Commitment

For me, I landed a book deal, multiple speaking events and awards such as one of Forbes 35 most influential career sites. And even invited to regularly be on news media and magazines, just from living my passion. Last year, we packed up our car to leave San Diego and traveled around the US to visit friends and family. We can live our dreams because we decided and made a commitment to making our dream career, dream business and dream life happen.

7. Get Back Up Girl

So if I can make this happen in the midst of so many negative experiences trying to take me down, there is no reason you can’t do it too. Just this past week, I had my third miscarriage. Yes, third little one in heaven. It could knock me down. I could stay in bed for days. But, because I know my life has a purpose and there is some meaning for me to get out of bed in one of the most painful times of my life…I just…keep…going. I am determined to host our challenge for you all next week even though my personal life is in shambles. Why? Because helping you helps me move forward with my life and loss. Yes, you help me as much as I help you. So thank you, for reading this. 🙂

8. Find People Who Believe In You

I 100% believe in you and am here to support you all the way.  Our mission at CCG is to empower women from around the world to find careers they love so that they can be happier, more successful and make a big impact with their talents and gifts to make this world a better place. You are making that possible by joining us in our community. 
Why is it so hard to find good people that believe in you?  I just don’t know. We need to make this easier. That’s why I started the Classy Career Girl Network. You better be in there if you haven’t yet. ROCKSTARS!

9. Let Yourself Dream

Bottom line: If you can dream it, it’s possible. I want you very soon to be waking up excited to go to work! If you want your dream life and you want to make an impact in the world, you are in the right place.  Sound exciting?  Let’s get started. Your first step is to take the same life-changing step that I did, get into a supportive community of other women. 

10. Challenge Yourself 

I can’t wait to see what impact you will make in the world once you launch your dream career!
Let’s do this!

Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

Learn More

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