It’s been an amazing year inside one of our membership sites, Corporate Rescue Plan. We invited our members to share with us the best thing they learned in CRP. We hope it helps you too!!
Note: Corporate Rescue Plan is the most comprehensive side hustle to business launch program for women out there. It is currently closed but you can add your name to the waitlist here.
“The best thing I learned in CRP in 2016 was that to grow your Instagram following, you have to SHOW an active interest in other people. I guess that’s true about life in general too.”
Lape Soetan
“Don’t do it alone. Find a group. Join a mastermind. Have others to collaborate with. It’s more fun with friends!!!”
Stefania Irene Pantano
“The best thing I’ve learned in CRP in 2016 was to…Just Do It! Take risks. Most importantly to make the best of my current situation until I fulfill my dreams. I was able to accomplish things I never thought I could and met hundreds of amazing, inspiring women along the way and I get to work with an amazing boss; who is the billboard (literally) of a hardworking, strong entrepreneur.”
Adelaida Diaz
“The best thing I’ve learned is that you strongly have to believe in your story and that includes why you started, whose problem you will solve, and how with your strengths. Doing so puts your readers and clients first and takes the pressure off of you.”
Joua Angela Yang
“Best thing I learned in CRP this year was all about choosing to act. To consciously decide on those high priority items I am going to complete this week, and take (mostly imperfect) action.”
Anna Saucier
“In the last 10 days alone, I have realized the importance and impact of a 90-day plan! The first quarter of 2017 is planned out step-by-step and ready to implement! (In fact, I’m getting started early over holiday break!)”
Megan Davison Biller
“The best thing I’ve learned in CRP is to get crystal clear on what kind of business I want to have, whom my ideal customers are and take the chance to do something huge, like taking my business from the Danish market to re-brand and built it on the international market. CRP made me believe that my business and I have the potential to go big and just do it. Before was I all over the place, trying different things off without any improvement. Now I am totally conscious about where I’m heading and how to get there.”
Sabrina Jensen Bøglund
“I’ve learned so much already in 6 weeks of CRP. The most important thing I have learned is to focus on revenue-producing activities rather than worrying about my website and social media pages looking perfect. I know exactly who my ideal client is and can focus on cold calling and emailing them and focusing on their needs rather than just talking about myself.”
Hannah Forest Fox
“If I can only choose one, the BEST thing I have learned is to take imperfect action daily. As a perfectionist, I can easily get stuck trying to get things perfect and as a result, nothing gets done. Now my goal is to take one imperfect action daily. By doing this I have been able to remove items from my To-Do list and make progress towards my ultimate dream. Thank you, Anna Runyan!”
Jeri Miller Walker
“The best thing I have learned this year in CRP is to embrace Imperfect Action! I used to hold back my ideas, suggestions, & ultimately launching my own business because I didn’t feel everything was “perfect”. By embracing Imperfect Action, I’ve been able to make leaps and bounds with my business planning, prepare for a more timely launch, & have met a wonderfully supportive network of women along the way!”
Nicole Boes
“The best thing that I learned in CRP this year was “Unfollow, Unsubscribe and Lead”. When I took this to heart I was able to have more clarity in my business and wasn’t worried about what others were doing – I knew what my clients needed and that’s what I did!”
Jennifer Kroiss
“The best thing I have learned in CRP is the value of a mastermind group – surrounding yourself with like-minded people creates a energy that you can’t help but to grow!”
Maxx McLeod Anderson
“The best thing I learned is the rule of taking imperfect action. I have utilized this one tip the most as I would wait till everything was perfect and obviously nothing was done. Now I am much more productive and things are getting done. It will always be better to take an imperfect action than none at all.”
Tracy Medeiros
“Through CRP, I’ve learned the importance of community and fellowship with other entrepreneurs in this online world. I’ve had the opportunity to meet and collaborate with some awesome women and support them on their journey. CRP was the first step in my entrepreneurial journey and I’m excited about what lies ahead.”
Treva Marshall
“This year I learned to take “imperfect action” and that it will turn out just fine. I used to be a huge perfectionist, but it ultimately was only holding me back. Take chances!”
Jenna Janssen
“The best thing I learned from CRP is small daily actions add up to large results. The doing is in the practice. I spent only 30- 45 minutes a day on my business plan that I had been dreading to do for almost a year before I joined CRP. The support, easy modules, and challenges have been a blessing for those small impactful actions.”
Char Stackle
“I’m new to CRP, but I’ve learned that taking action have having things finished is better than perfect (wanting perfect but never finishing), and that it IS worth taking chances. I’ve learned to remember my self worth, and that even am allowed to want to be happy and successful, and there are so many other women here who want the same. I’ve found a helpful and supportive community here. It’s okay to stumble and make mistakes so that we can learn from them and grow and do better.”
GloriAnne Rose FD
“I think that, by far, the best thing I learned this year in CRP was that when you are surrounded by people who support you, and who you support back, in order to succeed, there is nothing that can hinder your journey. I have also learned practical and technical things that I never even knew existed/were possible, but in the end, the biggest takeaway for me is the connection you make with each one of the women in this group. The help you give and get, the encouragement, the motivation and inspiration that comes from all of you.”