How To Transition to a New Job

Jesse Langley specializes in writing about education, professional and personal development, and career building and writes on behalf of Colorado Technical University.

Transitioning to a new stage in life is never easy. When doing so, some professionals take a hasty approach that often makes the transition more difficult than it needs to be. Although you may not be able to prepare for every obstacle that may arise during your career transition, it is best to plan as much as possible before moving from one job to the next.

Here are three tips to keep in mind for transitioning to a new job.

1) Be honest

Once you have made the decision to switch jobs, it’s important to be open about your decision. Never search for your new job during work hours, and don’t spring your decision on your boss at the last minute. Naturally, letting your boss know you are looking for a new job can be an intimidating task that comes with a lot of risk, but as you get closer to your transition timeliness is important in alerting your boss about the changes you are making. Remember, don’t make any hasty decisions, but be mindful that other individuals and departments will be affected by your decision.
If you have made some good friends at your job, you don’t have to assume that this transition includes leaving them behind. Once you have informed your boss of your decision, be sure to let your co-workers know why you’re leaving the position and that you still wish to keep in touch and stay on good terms. Doing so can help you maintain connections and build your professional network.

[Related Post: How to Stay Motivated When Work Doesn’t Feel Like a Priority]

2) Be Accommodating

If you work at a job where the workload is always high and big projects are consistently lined up, it can be difficult to manage an effective transition without the guilt of dumping your workload onto your co-workers. To avoid this, outline your concerns with your boss and identify areas he or she can limit the workload during your transition. Set your own boundaries for when your portion of the work is over. For example, “once I complete projects X, Y, and Z, I will leave for good.” Be open about your decision, and avoid getting sucked into more work than you intended to complete.

[Related Post: The 5 Steps to Networking Effectively in Your Job Hunt]

3) Be Proactive

Sometimes professionals make the decision to transfer from a job back to school. Becoming a student again after several years in the workforce can be a pretty dramatic transition, which is why you should strive to make yourself as comfortable as possible when making decisions for your education. For example, you might want to consider taking classes online instead of classes in a traditional classroom setting to enable yourself to work at your own pace and outside of an environment with many younger students.
Although transitioning to a new job comes with struggles and discomfort, it’s one of those necessary aspects of life that facilitates both personal and professional growth. Think of it as an opportunity to start over fresh and a way to add excitement to your life. Doing so will help motivate you to make the most out of your new stage.

Have you changed jobs lately?  What are your tips for transitioning to a new job?

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