How To Find Work-Life Balance
Today’s topic is something I am really excited to dig into because I get this question all the time.
How do I get everything done? There’s too much to do and not enough time in the day.
Today’s episode will help if you are feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and burnt out.

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Is Work-Life Balance for Real?

Ever feel like you are doing so much for everyone else that you barely have any time for yourself?
If you think work-life balance is a myth, you aren’t alone.
When you are working so hard taking care of your boss, your co-worker or your family, it’s pretty hard to find time for your goals too.
Watch the above video to hear my thoughts on if work-life balance is even possible.
Does this sound familiar?
  • You are overwhelmed and trying to get everything done.
  • You feel EXHAUSTED constantly being pulled in too many directions.
  • You are SICK and TIRED of giving so much to your job that you have no energy left for yourself.
And on top of that, you aren’t happy and hate your job.
To solve your problem, you are working really HARD. You have zero time for yourself. You are super busy.
This is what I call “The Treadmill Trap” and you need to avoid it at all costs.

[RELATED: The Ultimate Planning Guide]

You are in “The Treadmill trap” if you are busy so it feels like you are moving forward BUT you are not being efficient or productive.
You are running on the treadmill staying in the SAME SPOT because you aren’t doing the RIGHT tasks.
You are working so hard on the treadmill and it just keeps going, but you aren’t actually getting anywhere.
You are going for a run but you are never going to get to your destination. You are doing tasks that aren’t going to get you to the result you want.
This is when work-life balance is IMPOSSIBLE.
You are going to burn out.
You are going to reach the breaking point of “something’s gotta change!”
So is Work-Life Balance Possible or Not?
Work-life balance IS for real when you have a clear vision and are doing the RIGHT tasks that are going to lead you to that vision.
This eliminates the overwhelm and gives you clarity and direction.
Need a roadmap for happiness, success and balance? Download my FREE Love Your Work and Life Roadmap here: www.classycareergirl.com/roadmap

Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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