How Much To Spend on Facebook Ads To Build an Audience

I am thrilled to introduce you to today’s guest expert. Our guest, Jennifer Spivak, is the CEO and Founder of The AdGirls Agency and has helped hundreds of businesses generate millions of dollars on Facebook & Instagram. Her all-female team enjoys crunching data, helping women-owned businesses make tons of money, and breaking the rules when it comes to Facebook ads.

In today’s episode, Jennifer shared so many tips that will help you if you are wanting to grow and scale your business. She shared how she grew her business from 5 to 12 employees during the pandemic, the Facebook ads experiment she ran that ended up being the driver for her first 7-figure year, and how she discovered her vision of the career that she wanted to have someday.

In this episode, she shares about her personal journey and the transformation she has gone through going from freelancer to CEO. I found the leadership lessons in this episode incredibly helpful and I think you will too! So let’s dive in and meet Jennifer!

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How Much To Spend on Facebook Ads To Build an Audience

CCG Guest - Jennifer Spivak talks about How much Facebook Ads

Jennifer Spivak
CEO and Founder
The AdGirls Agency
Instagram: @jennspivak

Jennifer Spivak is the CEO and Founder of The AdGirls Agency, a high-vibe Facebook Ads squad. She has helped hundreds of businesses generate millions of dollars on Facebook & Instagram, with many seeing a 1000%+ return on their ad campaigns. Her all-female team enjoys crunching data, helping women-owned businesses make tons of money, and breaking the rules when it comes to Facebook ads. Jennifer has been featured in Forbes & The New York Times, listed as a Top Facebook Ads Manager to Watch in 2019, and is an adjunct professor of digital marketing at The City College of New York.


What you will learn from this episode:

  • The hiring process that helped her go from 5 to 12 employees during the pandemic
  • The struggles you will face when shifting your mentality from entrepreneur to CEO.
  • How to make the mindset shift to grow a team.
  • The experiment behind the driver for her first 7-figure year.


Jennifer Spivak Quote about Facbook Ads


The Best Tips From Jennifer’s Ads Strategy

1. Break the Rules To Grow Your Business

Be a rule breaker. A rule breaker is willing to do it your way. Simply because that’s your way and that’s what feels best.

So there are a lot of moments and instances where the traditional business advice or the traditional marketing advice would say, “This is how this is supposed to be done”.  And I say, I don’t, that doesn’t feel right for me. I’m going to go ahead and do it this other way.

I think at the end of the day, there’s just something to tuning in to yourself. Ditching the rules and saying what would actually feel perfectly aligned and good and almost juicy. For me to market myself or grow my business and really having that be the north star and adhering to that versus the rules, especially when you’re dealing with Facebook and Instagram.

2. Ads Can Be Simple and Don’t Have To Be Wild Complex Funnels

Are there certain strategies and experiences and even intuition that we have from doing this for so long that makes us experts? Absolutely! But at the end of the day, what really makes facebook ads work is the basic foundation of you having an offer that people want and knowing the right messaging that moves them forward. And that actually almost has nothing to do with the ads, right?

Ads are just a channel. Like that’s really all that it is. And so when we say ads are simple, it’s if you have something that people want, it’s been validated, you have at least a sense of the right messaging in terms of how to sell it to people, then getting it in front of the right people and getting them to move through your customer decision journey is actually a rather simple process.

3. How Much Facebook Ads Depend On Your Personal Goals

It’s impossible to say the amount of money that it requires because of course, it depends on a person’s goals and how much revenue you can make per customer. You have to determine what sort of cost of acquisition you can maintain and still be able to have profit margins.

Just for reference, like what we at the agency do, is we have a minimum starting budget of $2,000 per month. So look, if you’re going to DIY, which I mostly don’t recommend, but clearly, there are success stories and then sometimes people will do it. You can start with a couple of hundred dollars a month.

We have that minimum of $2,000 per month and the way we always explain it to clients, which I think is really helpful for everybody, is it’s not that $2,000 is the number that we’ve picked that’s going to allow you to hit your goals. It’s a starting number that allows for enough flexibility with testing.

Because it’s all about testing at the end of the day. That’s the name of the game.


Jennifer’s Final Words of Wisdom

Be willing to break all of the rules. I think the further along I’ve gotten in business and at almost every level, I was so sure it was a fixed rule that if I step too far out of the box, it would somehow be bad.

The more I step out of the box, the more successful I am without trying, the more the right clients are just magnetized to us without doing anything. Being willing to continuously break the rules and lean further and further into just doing what feels super aligned with who they are. I think that can ultimately shorten the path to success.

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