When you wake up, do you feel like you are living on purpose? What would make you feel like you are living for a reason? Many of us don’t have an answer to that question. It’s not because we don’t know what we like to do. It’s because we’ve been conditioned to believe most of our passions are hobbies, while the things we hate doing are reserved for work. While there will generally always be some aspects of your life’s work that you don’t enjoy (taxes, anyone?), you don’t have to keep settling in every area of your career. Here are 3 steps to finding a career path you can truly enjoy.
3 Steps to Finding a Career You’ll Love
Step 1
List 25-50 things you love doing. These could be things you have been paid to do or just “hobbies,” or even basic necessities like cooking. Don’t forget “soft skills” like helping a friend through a tough time, making gifts for family, or how good you are at putting together an ensemble.Â
Step 2
Going down the list, ask yourself:
Would I still do each of these things if I weren’t paid (assuming hypothetically you had your basic needs met)?
Would doing this inspire me every day or close to every day?
Does this come very naturally to me?
Does this make me lose track of time?
Can I possibly make money doing this? Has anyone ever made money doing this? Google around and ask friends to help you with this one so that you don’t limit your possibilities.