The Top Job Search and Career Questions Answered (Podcast #56)
Recently we received a lot of career questions coming in at Classy Career Girl! I  wanted to dedicate an entire hour to answer your questions so I jumped on Facebook Live last week. If you missed it, here’s the recording and a little summary below of the questions and my answers.

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Answering Your Career and Job Search Questions:

Question from Sunedha:

“Is it better to apply online first or try to find someone who works at the company to network with first?” 
  • Find someone who works at the company.
  • Referrals are a win-win for both parties. 
  • LinkedIn info interviews

Question from Katie:

“Do you have any tips on landing a remote job? I haven’t worked remotely in prior jobs, so I feel like it may be hard to find a remote job.”
  • Demonstrate you can work a remote job and like working by yourself. Not for everyone.
  • Prove yourself first. Build trust.
  • Show the benefits of you transitioning to a remote job.

Question from Christine:

“When I graduate, do you think I should work first or just try to open my own business?”
  • Is it the type of biz that will benefit you to have experience? Do you need $ to invest or can you start now? What are you waiting for? Build your Business Plan while in school.
  • Now is the time.
  • What can you do to start your biz now? Do on the side of your day job. Bills to pay or can you float and live with your parents?


“Should you focus on your passions? Isn’t that a lie? Shouldn’t I just do whatever and save my money to pursue my passions later?  It may take years to find out what truly makes you happy or save enough up enough to begin your endeavor. I have to do what I have to do now to have money to invest in my biz. Instagram”
  • More successful do what you love.
  • Don’t need a ton of money.
  • Happiness comes first. Life is too short to hate your job. We all have a reason we were born and work that we were born to do.

Question from Sumedha:

“I just moved to a new city to find my dream job. Where should I start first?”
  • Target companies.
  • Linkedin message people who work there for info interviews.
  • Attend every event you can and get business cards and follow up with info interviews.
  • Put out on social media. Talk to as many people as you can.

Question from Lara:

“What are you supposed to do when you’re in over your head with debt and desperately need to have a consistent paycheck at the end of the month to make sure you can afford the lifestyle you want for your kid. I’m very confused about this. I don’t want to go back after maternity leave to a job I hate either, but I just can’t find the courage to let my husband take the whole responsibility of supporting our family.” 
  • Focus on your priorities. New mom. Start saying no to what you dislike.
  • Talk to your husband
  • Make a plan.
  • Focus on the debt, limiting expenses. Paying off one debt at a time. Dave Ramsey.
  • Kids want love.

Question from Katie:

“What do u do when you are told your experience is not relevant. Which they see your experience in that field but deem it too long ago or not considered enough.?” 
  • Intern. Get the experience you need.
  • Take a course.
  • Demonstrate knowledge with a blog.


“I’m suffering now from low self-esteem anxiety insecurity fear and negatives I don’t know what to do anymore because I can’t help myself, I want to achieve my goals and I don’t know where to start when I go out to achieve my goals I’m always thinking what other people gonna think of me… I really need someone’s advice that has more experience than me I’m just 18 and it really hurts.”
  • Find just one person who believes in you and tell them your goals.
  • Create a vision board.
  • Don’t worry about what other people will think. We have one life to live. Not everyone will agree or like what we do. We change we grow we become someone else.

Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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