5 Ways to Ensure Your Attitude Isn’t Hindering Your Career
Have you ever worked with an obnoxiously happy person at work that is so “Pollyanna” you purposely avoid them because it’s just plain annoying. Well this article isn’t about “being happy” although I believe we could stand to learn a thing or two from overly happy people.
No, this article is more about YOUR attitude and YOUR emotional intelligence in the workplace as it relates to the trajectory of your career.

The truth is – your attitude equals latitude.

If you want to advance in your career, you have to know how your attitude towards others, your attitude toward the work you do, and your attitude toward your personal life will either help push you up or out. Below are few ways you can manage your attitude to avoid being the “Debbie Downer” in the office and ultimately improve your attitude and career latitude.

5 Ways to Ensure Your Attitude Isn’t Hindering Your Career

1. Be Solutions Driven

Complaining affects productivity. Make sure when you find yourself being negative about practices or procedures that you don’t agree with, you also provide a solution to improve.

2. Be Active

Reduce your stress by finding balance and fitness activities that allow you to decompress and burn off steam. Try running, walking, kickboxing or meditating groups; all which help you channel your inner namastae!

3. Be Self Aware

Understand your personal mood elevator and how it affects your interactions with others. You may need time to walk away, not reply to that email with angst, listen to encouraging music, audio books, or rehearse a more thoughtful approach. Don’t take yourself so seriously … laugh, cry, get mad. Being angry doesn’t make you void of the other feelings, in fact, allowing your mood to naturally address whatever emotion you have is far more helpful then keeping it bottled up inside.
[RELATED: How to Keep It Classy When Dealing With Difficult Co-workers]

4. Be a Leader

Often times it isn’t that we have a problem, but moreover, we have taken on the complaints of others. So be careful who you surround yourself with, you just might be taking on the negative habits and energy of peers.

5. Be Resilient

As the saying goes…if at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again. Keep striving to be the best you can and attack everyday with a new attitude.

So, what’s your attitude toward these tips? Let us know!

Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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