A Must Read Post About The Real Me (a.k.a. Classy Career Girl)
I don’t usually post on weekends. I don’t usually post on evenings. And I don’t usually post about topics that aren’t 100% career related. Tonight I am going to post something that is about 52% career related and the rest is just about me and my story.
Why? Because I have something to say today and this is the best way I know to get it out. And because there are a lot of posts on this blog. Some are about me and some are not.  I want you to know the real me.

Today I finished a half marathon.

It wasn’t my longest run but it means more to me than any run I have ever done. Why? I pushed myself.  I didn’t listen to the voice in the back of my mind saying that I couldn’t do it and that I should just take it easy.
With each step, my knee was excruciatingly painful and every minute I thought I was going to throw up (sorry if you are eating). This has happened before and I just stopped and walked. Not this time.  Today I pushed myself.  I had a goal to PR (personal record) and nothing was going to stand in my way. (Not even that entire mile straight up hill as we neared the end).

Throughout the race, my mind was racing.

I thought about everything that has happened to me over the last year and how I have pushed myself through just like I am doing today.  I ran by the hotel that one of my favorite Aunts stayed at when she visited San Diego for my college graduation. My aunt passed away in December and today is her birthday.  As tears started to come I said, “Happy Birthday Trudy”. And I pushed myself through. I ran by the San Diego airport and I remembered my trip to Seattle last May when I was 7 weeks pregnant all worried about going through airport security. When I returned from Seattle I was no longer pregnant, as I miscarried in Seattle.
As I ran I thought about all of the road blocks put in my way over the last year that tried to get me down and made me hide in a ball in my room. This blog and my networking challenges got me through my lowest points and I am so grateful for all of your encouragement over the last year.
Even though you had no idea what was going on in my life, I would come to my computer crying and start blogging or answering reader questions and my tears would disappear at the thought that there is more to this life and that there might be a reason for all my personal struggles over the last year.

Why am I telling you this?

I want you to know that I am not perfect and I am going through difficulties and struggles similar to what you may be, have or will go through. I know Classy Career Girl may say that networking is easy and that you should learn from me and what I did in 2011. Let me tell you, networking in 2011 was tough and even though I completed my challenge, it wasn’t easy. I also give you all of this advice about staying in touch with people to you.
But I know it is hard and I have a very difficult time doing it myself but I am trying to get better. It almost seems ironic that I decided to do a networking challenge in 2011 when for the entire month of June and December I was a wreck.
I took a month off of networking in June but then I pushed myself to keep going. Even though the last year I raved about my how I improved my networking skills, there are times when I just wanted to hide. There are times when I didn’t want to stay in touch with anyone and I didn’t understand words and actions of other people I thought were close to me. I could no longer be fake and accept not being who I really am and what I felt I was called to do.

And so in July, this blog changed

I had a purpose. I had a reason. It no longer was just my personal blog, but instead, this blog would not only help me, it would change lives (including my own).  Classy Career Girl was taking it to the next level.
Why? One reason.  
I wanted to be my authentic self and use my gifts to help others because life is short. Life goes so quickly.  I was sick of the same old thing every day. Getting up, going to work and coming home and watching TV. There has to be something more to my life. I need to help people. I need to make a difference. I need to share my advice and knowledge with others.
So I made it my personal mission to change my attitude and do what I dream of doing daily and make a difference in the lives of others.

The Real Me Came Out

My life really isn’t that different from a year ago….I still have the same wonderful job and work on my blog in the early mornings and late at night.  BUT, so many doors have been opened to me because I made a decision to let the real me out.  I came out from being an anonymous blogger and showed you my name and what I looked like.  I started creating videos and training materials. A reader asked me to speak at Wake Forest University and the Girl’s World Expo. I shared my knowledge of networking at Brazen U last week and in May I get to start helping employees at my company with an online web course called Manage Your Career.
Why is all this happening? Because I pushed myself and put myself out there. Have you ever heard that if you actually make your mind up and tell the world what you want, the world will actually make it happe?.
I thought that was crazy until I look back at the events over the last year. I firmly believe that if you want something and you tell the whole world all about it, it will happen.


The best part of today’s race….I finished with my husband. He is the most amazing and supportive husband that I am so lucky to do life with and who pushes me every day. This blog would not have gone to the next level without him helping me realize what I was capable of and not letting me quit.
This P.S. has absolutely nothing to do with careers, promotion, or work life balance, but I just wanted to be sappy for one moment and tell him that I really love him. Hopefully, you will keep reading this blog tomorrow:)


Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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