6 Ways to Accomplish Your Goals Before New Year’s Eve
It’s that time of year when I remind myself that there are just 90 days left of the year. Are you going to spend the next 90 days cooking for the holidays, buying presents, and putting off your goals until January 1st?  I didn’t think so!
I hope this encourages you to take the next 90 days seriously and really focus on making things happen in your life so that next year can be YOUR YEAR!
If you aren’t accomplishing your own goals, you are accomplishing someone else’s goals. Think about it. Are you making your own goals happen or are you completing your parent’s goals, your boyfriend’s goals or your manager’s goals instead of your own?
I want you to use the last 90 days of the year to accomplish your own goals. Over the last 90 days (July-Sep), I have exceeded my goals (YAY!), and today I want to show you how I make my goals happen.

Here are six things you must do if you want to accomplish your goals before New Year’s Eve:

1) Write down your annual goals.

Right now, write down where you want to be on January 1st of next year. What do you want to accomplish in the next 90 days?

2) Write down your monthly goals on October 1st, November 1st, and December 1st.

At the beginning of every month, look at your annual goals and assess what you need to get done that month to complete your annual goal.

3) Celebrate your achievements and successes on a DAILY BASIS.

Every day in my gratitude journal, I write down three things I am thankful for and three successes that I have had each day. You have to celebrate the small things like eating a healthy breakfast or responding to an important email because all of the little things will add up to your big successes!

4) Every week, review your monthly goals to see how you are doing.

Every Sunday night, I create a weekly to-do list that prioritizes what I need to get done that week to reach my monthly goals.  This also eliminates the stress when the Monday morning chaos hits!

5) Find someone to keep you accountable.

This is a must! The minute I invested in myself and got a coach is when I started to exceed my goals.  You need someone to help you stay on track and support you to dream bigger. My coach helped me see what I was capable of and helped me get over my fears.

6) Visualize yourself completing your weekly, monthly and annual goals.

Write down your dreams in a vision journal or create a vision board. Every day, look at it and imagine yourself completing your goals. You are already there. Talk to yourself like you have already done it.
If you do these six things, you will be on your way to accomplishing your goals before New Year’s Eve even hits!

Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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