6 Parts of an Organized Plan

Want to get more organized and reduce your overwhelm? There are 6 simple habits you can add to your life that will make reaching your goals fun and easy! Are you ready to live the life you really want?

When you know how to prioritize and focus, you can make intentional choices about the next year, feel happier and have more impact on the people around you.

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6 Parts of an Organized Plan

Most people just create their annual goals on January 1st and that’s it! What they don’t realize is the annual PLAN is just one part of the entire planning system! In this blog post, I’ll outline why you need to put all 6 of these parts into your goal setting routine!

Once you know how to create your goals and turn them into a plan, then you can have less stress in your day and make more progress with confidence. When you have more time for what matters, then you have more motivation and energy to follow through with your plan.


1. Vision Plan: Get Clear On Your 5-10 Year Vision

In this part of your plan, we need to determine what goal to pursue first. We do this by identifying your vision. In this step, we also identify your life purpose and find motivation to make your goals happen. You’ll make sure you are headed int he right direction before you start planning.

Make sure you download my free vision journal template so you can ask yourself the 4 questions to identify your vision.

2. Annual Plan: Break Down Your Vision Into an Annual Plan 

After you have a vision, it’s time to create your annual plan and decide if your goals are too big, too small or just right. In this section, you’ll create realistic goals that are smart and realistic. You’ll figure out what goal should be the priority for the next year.

This step is very important so you can make sure you narrow down your goals when you have so many ideas.

3. 90-Day Plan: Turn Your Annual Plan into a 90-Day Plan

In this part, you’ll break down your goals into smaller tasks and come up with a schedule and the steps to achieve your goals. You’ll create a 90 day plan to break a big goal down and choose one thing to focus on when it all seems to be important.


4. Monthly Plan: Stay on Track

Now that you have a 90 day plan, you’ll create a monthly plan to stay on track to reach your goals. You will create an effective accountability system to ensure your plans are executed.

This monthly plan will help you identify if you need to pivot if something isn’t working. It’s also important to learn how to stay on track and measure progress and growth.

5. Weekly Plan: Implement Your Plan Each Week

This weekly plan will help you actually implement and stick with the plan you create. You’ll learn how to prioritize the important stuff over the busy stuff and how to stay consistent with distractions that get thrown your way.


6. Daily Plan: Stay Consistent

The Daily plan is where it all comes together and you’ll learn how to be self-disciplined to take regular action towards your goals. The daily plan is where you create your daily schedule and learn how to use a calendar to its full capacity. Get excited because you’ll have a simple plan to reach your goals by doing something small each day.


Want more? Make sure you join CLASS as an annual member so you can get my signature PLAN course. Add your name to the waitlist here.



Hi, I'm Anna!

I’ll help you create a career strategy and plan so you can finally have a job or business you love that supports the life you really want.

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